[h1]Payday[/h1] [b]Base Payout:[/b] 1 Gold, 2 Silver Lily: Nothing [Ixion's Dead, Mate] Shion: Nothing [No Goals] Summer: Nothing [Flame's working on Beacon goals still] Amaryllis: Nothing [Killed nothing] Sophia: Nothing [No Goals] Serenity: Nothing [Flame's working on Beacon goals still] Lillia: Nothing [No Goals] Mariette/Eli: Nothing [No Goals] Deni: Nothing [Tragically failed her one job for the Cradle.] Penny: Nothing [Flame's working on Beacon goals still] Kyle: Nothing [Flame's working on Beacon goals still] Viva: Nothing [No Goals] Alexander: Nothing [No Goals] [b]Eliza: 2 Silver [Completed her work for the Cradle][/b] Celia: Nothing [Solo Girl with no clear affiliation during this event] Anaya: Nothing [Flame's working on Beacon goals still] Alicia: Nothing [Flame's working on Beacon goals still] Eden: Nothing [???] Christine: Nothing [PI Goals are?] Katelyn: Nothing [No Goals] Thalia: Nothing [No Goals] [b]Silhouette: 2 Silver [Completed (lmao) her work for the Cradle][/b] Emily: Nothing [No Goals] Hilaria: Nothing [Who determines Dan's goals and what are they?] Everything that Broken Owns: OVERHAUL IN PROGRESS Connie: Nothing [No one fell asleep yet.] [b]Mia: 6 Silver [Slapped Aighorost's cadre, the single Horror who actually exists to corrupt nature in this RP, and restored the Park to its natural glory afterwards.][/b] [b]Sakura: 2 Silver [Eliminated Aighorost's uncalled-for interference.] Reaver: 3 Silver [Got the job done and bullied some Beacon girls too.][/b] Shane: Nothing [No Goals] Janet/Jenna: Nothing [Flame's working on Beacon goals still] Raven: Nothing [No Goals]