Fists and melee weapons fly, quickly making a mess of the saloon. Sergio's target groaned when the pool cue struck him. Mistihkoman's ferocity was not lost on the remaining thugs and two of them hesitated as their buddies continued brawling it out with Billy, Taylor, Sergio, & Mistihkoman. "Savage!" cried Mr Logan as Mistihkoman made his threats. "Hard to believe they even let your cheating hide in here!" he said, still backpedaling. Luckily enough for Logan, the native's attention is stolen. Good. Logan's hand goes inside his vest and grabs ahold of the derringer pistol concealed within. He'd put a stop to this madness! But he had barely pulled it clear of the garment when the bottle smashed down over his head. The shoddy little pistol dropped out of his hand and clattered to the wooden saloon floor just a second ahead of Mr. Logan himself. He lies, unmoving. Upstairs in the window, a smirk passes over the face of the man dressed in white. Seeing their boss go down, the thugs that can still stand wise up and try to rush for the door. All except for the one with his arms locked around Mistihkoman. That thug has suddenly found himself without allies and he tries to shove the native into Taylor to buy himself a few second's head start to get out the door.