[color=f7941d]"Isn't it a bit cliched to have the guy holding the sword lead the group everywhere? Last time I checked I wasn't the protagonist."[/color] Cole says stiffly as he suddenly felt a lot more weight on their shoulders. He looked around for Marcino but the man had left somewhere earlier more than likely. He wasn't sure what to do about the situation. He sat there thinking and he chewed on some of his food before answering. [color=f7941d]"We'll take it. Tell the King my party will eliminate the bandits."[/color] Cole offered to the emissary who nodded, and then vanished into a cloud of thin air. Cole sat there baffled as he gripped his sword's sheathe and stood up. Drinking the water from his glass he put some coin on the table. [color=f7941d]"I'm not entirely sure that murdering that bandit will be in our best interest."[/color] Cole stated as he looked down at the table. [color=f7941d]"They mentioned slavery is a thing here in this city. I asked around, and found a merchant the other night who informed me it is enforced by a crest. A painful searing jolt meaning even slaves can be used as body guards as if they disobeyed they are dealt with by the pain."[/color] Cole told Fer as he sighed. [color=f7941d]"I think if this bandit woman is actually as good as you say they are they can be made into an asset. Use them to fight the waves. Its a disgusting thought but a practical one. If we can capture them alive we can possibly pacify the bandits in the whole area by way of fear of it happening to them. Also we would gain an asset to our own team."[/color] Cole told Fer his thought process as he grimaced. [color=f7941d]"I don't like the idea of forcing the concept of servitude onto anyone. In fact this idea is repugnant but I can't help but wonder....You can't deny that my logic has some merit. Force evil to fight evil. Besides didn't you hear? Zeltoble. That's where Marcino's from. If she's nearly as skilled as him, even remotely, that would mean a hard fight."[/color] Cole said to his crew keeping his voice down somewhat as to not be overheard.