Fer clapped Cole on the back with a friendly manner after the shadow had disappeared. A smile was present on the young hero’s face. [color=0054a6]“I have always heard, lead with the tip of the Spear, Fly straight as an arrow, Raise your swords etc. I have never heard anyone following a shield unless that shield is being used as cannon fodder…”[/color] He gave Cole an apologetic look.[color=0054a6] “Listen, from what I gathered from Marcino, many share his view that I am basically useless and who knows what the Shields of old did to cause others to dislike this particular Legendary artifact”. [/color]Fer said raising his jeweled bracer which seemed to whirl with green light as if sentient. [color=0054a6]“I mean to follow you as an equal but for all intents and purposes it would be best for our small party’s image if people saw you as the figure head.” [/color] The smile reappeared. [color=0054a6]“Don’t worry if we mess up you can always blame it on me. I am sure that will pacify any dissenter”.[/color] He turned and gave Auriel a wink. During his time amongst the city people he had sense some sort of apprehension or even dislike towards him. He had met this with a bright smile and polite manners. He cared not what they thought of him but eventually cooperation would require that they trust him. He was glad his Shield became only a bracer while not in combat. This allowed Fer to hide it if he met a particularly hesitant person. He took none of this personally, short of somebody trying to cause him harm due to the object on his forearm, he could care less. Fer nodded as he heard Cole’s explanation and logic. He had also inquired about the people, mainly demi humans, who sported a similar tattoo that the young hero assumed was more than ornamental. He had been repulsed at the idea but knew that in his own world, the practice of slavery had been common and widely accepted. He shook his head slightly, the strong will always find a way to oppress the weak. He returned his attention to the present and to Cole. [color=0054a6]“I do not fault you for thinking like this. It is actually a very logical way to pacify the bandits and to utilize the woman as a skilled servant. However, I have known horses who had broken their own backs trying to be free of the mouth guard and dogs who had effectively choked themselves to death trying to be free. If all gladiators are like Marcino many would rather die than be a slave.” [/color] His face took a pensive look.[color=0054a6] “I wonder if there was a way to negotiate with the person. Like you said, if she is as skilled as Macino might as well we slit our own throats.”[/color] He glanced at both his companions cautiously. [color=0054a6]“I do not mean to imply that I doubt your skills but hope and trust alone are not good defense against blade and magic.”[/color] He looked at Cole’s plate of unfinished food. [color=0054a6]“Look, finish eating and then we can discuss further on a more open location with less ears.”[/color] His voice was low as he looked about. He wondered why the shadow had chosen a crowded tavern full of shady characters to deliver this news. Was this a test to see how effectively and cautious the heroes could be? Where the heroes merely bait that would catch the attention of people working with or for Rayla? Either way, knowing that you are walking into a trap does not make the trap less deadly. He sat on the seat next to Cole and turned his attention to Auriel. “I am sorry Auriel, you were excited about a quest? Please share with us the details. It must be something really cool if it got you so worked up. I figured sooner or later you would get tired of babysitting us”. He smiled at her broadly his eyes holding a warm regards for his companion.