For the first time the beast was struck with considerable force that overcame its defenses. The paladin's ongoing effort to smite evil unleashing damage upon it that, for lack of better words, was just as it really should have been for all the pummeling and brutalizing it had received before that seemed turned aside. Whatever had gripped this monstrosity of what once was an animal, arrow, blade, and fist alike struck with such little result that it was unsettling. Without Renault's conviction and desire to make good on what he had promised and to throw himself into the battle heart and soul unfettered to cleanse himself of past sins, perhaps the monster could not have been overcome. Even the audible batter of the warhammer cracking down upon the rat, carried in the hand of de Brey all but slid off the creature whose bones did not break or bend under it. The man heaved and panted, retrieving control of the weapon on the return swing, the sickly quality of the air making him gag. He would bathe long and hard after the battle to retake the stead, he swore it, and if only it too could wash away his failings he felt. Each blow he landed and how it glanced off, was it not just another torment leveled against him by the gods who abandoned them? Another cruel joke like their proposed freedom? He would have spat off more writing curses audibly under his breath, eye hurried between the holy warrior whose sword seemed to strike true each time for reasons he rightfully assumed magical to the goliath who seemed intent on never being confined in such a pit again. [Hider=Effects] The Quentin de Brey scores a hit on the creature with his warhammer but does little to it like the other attacks. However, the rat is now visibly wounded meaningfully by the other human's sword, a sizable wound left on it whereas before each was much less potent than assumed. [/hider] [@BangoSkank][@Hellion][@Lord Wyron][@TyrannosaursRex]