eeeeeeeeeeeeeeegh... [hider=Asengav goals made up on the spot] 1. Establish Presence. [i]You can't achieve your goal without a base. Increase your staying power, be it by making allies, increasing public opinion, successfully keeping yourself entirely hidden or by making yourself stronger by any means.[/i] 2. Disrupt Enemies. [i]There are far too many possible threats to the plan milling about. Keep them distracted, fighting one another, thinking you're not a threat, or otherwise simply utterly destroying them, leaving nothing behind.[/i] 3. Contribute to the Empire. [i]Give what you do not need so girls in other worlds can do their job easier. This involves sacrificing captured monsters, magic items and magical girls to Asengav, opening a special portal and see Asengav's tentacles dragging it into the void...[/i] [/hider] Also extremely meh about Deni not getting anything when she felled a dragon... thought for sure she'd get a gold... meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...