Val listened to Eleanor and hid her emotions in her glass. She wasn't sure she believed in remembering. Not the same way that Eleanor did. Some memories were best buried beneath layers of drug induced haze. Some memories were dangerous to remember. Some memories just hurt. Maybe she'd try it one day. Not forgetting. When she had more money and too much time. She watched the mostly measured pace at which the other women drank, but rejected it as pointless. Free champagne was free champagne. The flight was long enough and Val had no intention of being sober when they landed. A press of a button and polite smile later was all it took for another glass of champagne to appear in her hand. Val offered a theatrical nod to Eleanor before she sent more bubbly alcohol coursing through her system, "The Prodigy were right, of course. We're always outnumbered, never outgunned. I'd put a dollar or two on the cowboy if things get hot." Why exactly the Sunday Group needed more violent agents was a question Val didn't need answered. Thing lurking in the dark generally didn't appreciate you kicking in their doors to ask questions. The Sunday Group, the organization, were far more interesting topics. Eleanor seemed like she'd been around the block. Val couldn't help but admire how cool and collected she seemed. She didn't seem rattled and she didn't seem concerned. She had to know more. She had to have some secrets squirreled away, some real juicy secrets about the organization. Val leaned forward, perching precariously on the edge of her seat. First class seats were further apart than she had imagined. It was hard to be conspiratorial with an audience, but Val saw it as a welcome challenge. Others might have waited for a more private moment, but where others saw danger, Val saw only adventure and a chance to surprise, "Who's the boss? The big boss? Naturally, your our boss. But are you [b]the[/b] boss or is there someone giving you orders? I asked some questions, you know. Before I signed my name above the dotted line. But I got nothing. Just some rumors." [@Penny] [hider=Summary] Val does Val things and fishes for information. [/hider]