[@Kelewen] [color=ed1c24][center][h1]SERGIO WESTWOOD [/h1][/center][/color] Sergio was glad that Finney could hold his own; turning his attention to another thug who was the closest to him. Throwing another punch towards his gut; feeling a sharp pain in his cheek form a one thug that had thrown a punch at him. Falling backwards on his ass but quickly retaliating by sweeping the thug's legs to trip him. Getting back up and stomping on that thug's chest to try and put him out of commission. Noticing the derringer being pulled out by Mr.Logan; he felt a bit relived it was not used thanks to him being smashed over the head by a bottle. Trying to take the derringer form the floor; so someone wouldn't get smart and shot one of the other men. If he was successful then he would place it inside of the pocket of his jacket and keep fighting the thugs around him; if he failed then someone could smash him over the head while he tried to grab for the tiny gun.