Ygdrasil online, at one time the most popular Dive game, is in decline but the devs have released a new dungeon in hopes to stir greater interest from the players. The Mountain lair of Demonic dragon Ashardalon, the loot pool full of enticing items to make any player's mouth water, in fact, they are too good. Within an hour of release a bugfix was announced to nerf the drop rates to something more reasonable. With only who-knows-how-long before the update a band of players scrounge together in order to attempt the dungeon before the update hits to seize the opportunity to get at the treasure hoard of this powerful beast. Can they make it in time? What might happen if they are still logged in when the server restarts? You are one of the lesser known players in the prestigious guild Ainz Ooal Gown, a counter culture to the traditional humanoid heroes, monsters. In creating your characters, while referencing the source material is helpful, you can also draw from high fantasy table top games like Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons. [code] [b][u]Username[/u][/b] remember, unless your player is invested in roleplaying as their character their username might something as ridiculous as TouchMe. Note below if there is a short hand nickname for them. [b]OOC profession:[/b] Keep in mind members of the guild are required to have full-time jobs. [b]Character Role:[/b] basic function of their character's build i.e. support, tank, dps, etc. Specializations such as Shaltear’s PvP 1v1 [b]Alignment:[/b] Somewhat arbitrary as in game parameters of personality don't apply to real people, but some equipment and classes might have an alignment requirement. Alignment is on a scale of -100 to 100, -100 being the most evil and 100 being the most good and 0 being absolutely neutral. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Picture or a good full description. [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Your current heteromorph form, some description may be necessary. [u][b]Classes[/b][/u] Max level is 100 prior to arrival in the new world. [b]-Monster Classes:[/b] The guild requires all members be heteromorph monsters. Mean, all character's start as a basic monster and transform as they advance in levels. They follow a common theme, i.e the basic class for all demons is Imp, advancing from there. An argument can be made for certain Demi-human races are actually Heteromorphs, the key being transformative progression, monstrous in nature, and considered okay to kill by humanoid races. [b]-Job Classes:[/b] Classes are broken down into three categories: [i]Base[/i] Core classes such as fighter or wizard, the will be the first level you will take and are maxed out at level 15. [i]High[/i] Comparative to prestige classes r archetypes, having some basic requirements before being able to start leveling in them. These cap out at level 10, [i]Rare[/i] unique classes often with secret and very specific requirements and often special quests in order to take these and offer very powerful abilities. In order to maintain the gravity of these, the max number of these classes one can take is two, the level cap for them is 5. [b]-Class type level:[/b] hoe you distribute your levels between different classes determines various things, martial expertise or the highest level of spells you know, or just spells known. This is divided into three categories: Martial, Arcane, or Divine. Hybrid classes can be considered half, or if the source of magic power in not specific to the class, pick. [u][b]Attributes:[/b][/u] on a scale of 1-100: HP, MP, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Agility, Magic Attack, Magic Defense, Resist, and Special. You are unlikely to have a 100 unless your build specifically focuses on it. You can have a total of 600. This makes 66 average, and bad would be 35 (Ainz's physical attack, but even that is considered prodigious in the New World) [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] special qualities and actions granted by Class levels. Please separate them my each class with a short description. [b]-Spells/Martial Arts:[/b]If applicable, specifics are not necessary, but a general description of your specializations. [b]Skills:[/b] Think crafting, diplomacy, survival, alchemy. The fewer you have, the more specialized you are in them and the more effective they are. [b]Equipment:[/b] Right off, no world-teir items. However most items will be God-tier. Try to limit truly unique items to a maximum of 6. Be conscious of slots as this is based on an RPG game. You can have a maximum of 2 magical rings, not including your Ring of Ainz Ul Gown. Don’t get excessive in power (Though in the new world will be somewhat OP) or number but try to make some unique. No need for bags as all characters have an “inventory subspace” [b]In-Game Backstory:[/b] What would be know about the players history in the game. Of they developed a Backstory for their character it would be included here, but is not required. Be sure to include explanations for unique items and for rare classes. It is also important in this section to establish the motivations of the player when making their character and how becoming their character might conflict with their personality. The player's IRL is likely little known to other players unless they are particularly open about it. Try to avoid too much direct connection with canon guild members, these are suppose to be fairly minor players in the guild that wouldn't be too questioned if missing. [hider=Cohorts] [b][u]Cohorts[/u][/b] Npc of the characters own making. Just copy paste another charactersheet here with a few adjustments. [b]Alignment:[/b] will be much more formative for the NPCs than the play, dictating their personalities. [b]Classes:[/b]Heteromorphs are encouraged but not required.(Though try to avoid common humanoid races). Each npc can only have one Rare class. If you have a single cohort they can be up to level 100. But levels can be divided into multiple NPCs if you desire. To compensate for exponentially level growth you have 320 points to spend. Levels 1-30 are one point 31-60 are two 61-80 are four 81-90 are six 91-100 are nine I will give additional points for those who have leadership and minion based classes. [b]Equipment:[/b] player can distribute up to three God-tier unique items to their Cohorts, the rest of their equipment will be lower teir and should reflect their level. Additional equipment can be granted if PC has relevant skills or classes.[/hider] [/code]