[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwYjdlMC5UR2xzYVdVZ1JHbHZibTVsLjAA/velocity-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] It was...[i]weird[/i] to hear Ben talk like that. No, it was weird to hear [i]any[/i] vampire talk like that. Lilie thought that the only things they cared about were themselves, but Ben seemed to have a heart when it came to people beneath them. It was still bizarre, but interesting to her--what few vampires she did meet were either condescending, alright in private but different in public, and...whatever Eris was--and she couldn't help but wonder to herself. Did he think that way because those were the values he grew up with, or was it because something happened to him? Did he get betrayed and learn his lesson? There were a few ideas floating around in her head, but she wasn't brave enough to ask. She looked over as Geoffrey Noila spoke, but when he started acting strangely, she almost expected him to attack. Ben distracted her for a second--what did he mean, "oops'?! But soon that statue changed, it was like the king was taken over by a beautiful young woman. Her veil made her look mysterious, but as soon as she saw the Sinnenodel symbol, Lilie's opinion of the statue dropped a little. Who was that? She looked like one of the Sinnenodels on one of their bills, but that couldn't be, could it? Lilie was entirely confused about the woman's speech, making little sense of it. Snakes? Time? What? Swords and magic combined, she got, but that wasn't something the woman was interested in. She gasped as the scepter was crushed, the scenery around them changing. All the trees and bushes looked dried and withered, and she felt a pang of guilt. Was this their fault? Unfortunately, it was: they failed. Lilie was crestfallen, looking around them sadly. Where had they gone wrong? Before she could ask, Ben pointed out that they were running out of time. Not only did they kill the poor plant life, but they lost their chance to do both extra challenges and even the full grade. He left the decision to her, but she hesitated. She had been completely hopeless in the face of the last challenge, what if that happened again and they timed out? At least a ninety was better than a zero, but leaving like this felt wrong, too. Taking Ben's sleeve, she looked for the clearer path. [color=00BFFF]"We're gonna keep going,"[/color] She told him, determined. [/indent][hr] [sub][right]Standing next to [@Bert Macklin].[/right][/sub]