I wanted to come up with a rp. So this is what I came up with. I have had this hankering for fantasy and supernatural lately and so this is to feed that desire. Here is some basics in this world it is an alt modern or alt medieval where werewolves, witches, and vampires all exist. There is a catch here though all werewolves, witches and vampires are female. In fact they can only be female as the mutation that makes them requires two X chromosomes. Humans of course can be both male or female. This makes wolf packs and vampire clans all female. While female witches, vampires and wolves can have children with a male human it has a low chance of success and all female children share their mothers race. Males are of course human. And for some reason they tend to throw males which sadly tend to have a lower chance of survival. Of course the all female races tend to have a much greater acceptance almost to the point of mandatory female female relationships. However vampires, witches and werewolves do not necessary all get along. And under rare ritual circumstances these partnerships can bear offspring. However no one can seem to figure out what makes it possible but a born is usually stronger and always female. that is the basic for the world. The rest is up for us to decide. So any takers? I can write sentences but normally do a paragraph per Charrie but can do more if inspired and mostly am able to only rp on the weekends and I work a night shift at that.