[h3][i]Hunter’s Point South Park Long Island City, Queens, New York, USA July 4th, 2023 9:35PM EDT [/i][/h3] Danny was relived to find the guy from earlier who actually believed them. That relief was short lived when he saw the guy fall backwards, gasping out in pain as his eyes began to glow bright red. Danny’s eyes went wide with shock, and he panicked. [color=f49ac2]”Oh god oh god oh god! What do I do what do I do what do I do?!”[/color] He paced around in circles mumbling to himself, and panting nervously. [color=f49ac2]”This is not the time to panic. Think Danny think!”[/color] He took a breath, pulled out his phone, and typed up a text message to his sister. [quote] [color=f49ac2]Caty, we got a problem. I found the guy from earlier, and he’s not doing too well. His eyes are glowing bright red. What do I do?![/color][/quote] He hit send, and turned his attention back to the guy. [color=f49ac2]“I am so so so SO sorry this happened! Thank you for believing us. Help is coming.”[/color] Emergency services had to have been called multiple times over by now. Help had to be coming, it just had to be. Danny started panting again.