Clara sighed loudly. The Penta Posse should have known better. A true wizard always made sure they had some extra juice. Mana or arcane energy as the academics called it was fundamental to casting everything from the simplest to the most reality shattering spells. Only an amateur forgot to prepare themselves before battle. It pained Clara to be faced with such a poor lack of foresight. She had told herself she would be less judgmental though. Shad promised. She would give the sock-puppet at pass, just this once. The necromancer joined her compatriots beneath the meat abomination. Clara felt bad for the poor summoned creature, but she couldn't do much to help it before they had dealt with whatever it was that was shooting exploding arrows at them. "Mr. Socks and Mr. Shocks," Clara began seriously. "Permit me to suggest a plan. Mr. Socks, you will drink this potion. It will restore some of your energy. After this next volley hits, we will [i]mercifully[/i] kill this abomination and then Mr. Socks and I will use the parts and the bones scattered here to assemble a more calcified version of your hamburger monster. Mr. Shocks, it falls upon you to occupy our cephalopod foe until our eldritch ritual is complete. Our new improved meat puppet monster and my minions will then destroy this squid, while we resolve our conflict with this unknown archer."