[color=f49ac2]“… Uh. Yeah… maybe.”[/color] Iris mumbled at the response of Miles insisting she had to try it, maybe she would but right now it was not important to her because all she wanted to do was just talk to Cas. That and a part of her didn’t want to be surrounded by all these luxuries, it just felt too much to her and she was finding it hard to adjust. Especially when she was surrounded by high borns who were raised on this stuff, raised on money never being an issue and she found herself feeling far to self-conscious about not having tried fancy flavours of pizza, or fifteen hundred credit wine. The silence was becoming difficult, especially when she knew she was contributing to it and not helping. Biting the bottom of her lip she looked over at Cas watching him flinch when Miles brought up the subject of his mood. Listening to his words careful she found her head tilting as she met his gaze and it took a few moments for her to understand what he was talking about. [color=f49ac2][i]Adjusting to the possibility that he was wrong? Certain expectations… does he mean us?[/i][/color] Focusing on his words she tried to figure it out, looking down at her hands before taking a glance at Miles and finally noticing the hand that was placed on the sofa behind her. It was like a penny dropped, was Miles hitting on her? Was this what was affecting Caspians mood? As when she first saw him, he certainly wasn’t acting like this and now after a bit of time with them all together his mood had changed. [color=f49ac2][i]Is Caspian jealous?[/i][/color] Her gaze drifted back to Caspian as she thought on his cryptic words, wondering if this truly was the problem and cause for his mood. Iris knew she had been quite pally with Miles, but nothing was going on. There was no way she looked at Miles like that and she wished she could just outright tell him. [color=f49ac2][i]Though what if I am reading into that and I’m completely wrong? I’m not some amazing prize, surely Miles isn’t into me[/i][/color]. Even as Miles got up to go grab whatever good vibes he was talking about she pondered his words before finally making a decision as Miles sat back down next to her nudging her playfully. [color=f49ac2]“No thank you, I’m really not into that kind of stuff. Call me boring, I guess. And well… your ideas do suck.”[/color] Iris chuckled as she rose from her seat and moved over to Cas with a smile, putting distance between her and Miles because if she was right this would certainly help his mood and hopefully show him she didn’t have eyes for any other. Leaning on the back of Cas’ chair she glanced over his shoulder, [color=f49ac2]“Is there a tracker for our food on that app you ordered from?”[/color] Using that as a rouse to have left Miles and the sofa, hopefully it didn’t seem suspicious because again they were meant to be a secret. Placing her hand on his shoulder she leaned over glancing towards his phone, it seemed innocent enough, but she hoped this would put his mind at ease and assure him without words who she wanted to be with.