[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/western-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200713/cd1f35b90a711110c39d6056aacdb2dd.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][sup][@Apollosarcher][/sup][/center][hr][hr] Marshal Smith always had a reputation as a acerbic personality, and the last few days hadn’t done much for his mood. He’d arrived to help to defend the town, much of which involved stopping the damned civvies from running about like headless chickens in a blind panic; add to that a small caravan arriving with a ‘girl’ who seemed totally bewildered by the world as a whole, and who had latched onto Sam, just minutes before the raiders arrived left him with one more thing to worry about. Now three days later, he was sore, sleep deprived and running on a mixture of chems and coffee. Perched on the town’s water tower with his rifle, a pre-war megaphone and a whistle that’d once been Constable Wyatt’s, he blew a shrill blast into the megaphone. [colour=54C571][b]”[i]SOUTH GATE! SOUTH GATE![/i]”[/b][/colour] He bellowed as the latest wave of Raiders pushed the gate. Fire from the defenders crackled and raiders fell in droves. From his perch, Sam fired into the back ranks of the attackers, targeting anyone how look like they where either in some sort of leadership role, or carried a weapon more effective than an old piece of pipe. His M72 ‘cracked’ and a raider’s head exploded like an over ripe mutfruit, causing the raider to drop their lit firebomb. It shattered and set two more raiders alight; but Sam wasn’t watching, keeping his focus on other targets, engaging them at will. Movement beyond the assault tugged at the corner of his vision, but he assumed it was hostile reinforcement…at least until an unfortunately familiar voice cut in over the town’s PA system. [colour=Gray][i]"This Knight Captain Cassidy of the Brotherhood of Steel. We are sending reinforcements to clear hostiles assaulting the town, do not fire. I repeat do not fire on the incoming vehicles they are friendly."[/i][/colour] [colour=54C571][b]” ‘Friendly’ my leathery ass…”[/b][/colour] He muttered. Whatever their over all intentions were, the tin cans [I]did[/I] open fire on the rear ranks of the raiders with high-ex and canister, churning the force assaulting the town into so many pounds of meat, some of which was still screaming. A cheer from, most, of the beleaguered defenders went up as the raiders died, though from his vantage point, he caught a glimpse of bodies scrambling over the West wall. [colour=54C571][b]”Shit!”[/b][/colour] He blew another whistle blast into the megaphone. [colour=54C571][b]”[i]Breach! Breach! Breach![/i] They’re heading for the hotel!”[/b][/colour] His rifle came up once more, but he swore violently as he realized he had no shots. Below him, a group of Tarheels, Marshals, and town militia were already heading towards the hotel, and he could hear gunfire bark from the folks who’d been left to defend the non-combatants. He [I]wanted[/I] to go rush in and join the group, but he knew they had it under control..and that he was in command now, so the new arrivals were something he needed to deal with. [colour=54C571][b]”Fan-fucking-tastic…”[/b][/colour] He scrambled down the tower in short order, and made his way to the gate, swapping in a high-cap magazine to his rifle as he did. All too soon he was standing in front of a man he’d really hoped to never see again. [colour=54C571][b]”The [I]fuck[/I] are you doin’ here Bob?”[/b][/colour] He growled, glaring at the Knight-Captain. A few of the BoS troopers seemed to take umbrage with his tone, but when one made a half-step towards Sam, the reaction from the Tarheels still on the wall made them stop. [colour=54C571][b]”Thanks for the shooting, but you’ve done your bit, so feel free to fuck off.”[/b][/colour] He moved closer to Finn, pitching his voice so only the two of them could hear it. [colour=54C571][b]”You got a lot of nerve showing up ‘round here after the shit you pulled… ‘specially when you’re pallin’ ‘round with a bunch of jumped up raiders like this. Swore I’d put a bullet in you the next time I saw you Bob, so you’d best talk [I]fast[/I].”[/b][/colour]