[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KeAjc2u.png[/img][/center] [center]The S.S. Orgy Porgy -- On "stage"[/center] They had been in the middle of performing the third song when... [quote=Somebody]"... Fire!"[/quote] [b]"Fire?"[/b] Someone in the crowd said as another remarked, [b]"Oh my god there's a fire!"[/b] Mariah didn't have time to think about the very palpable wave of panic sweeping the crowd, that they were very in the middle of dancing into, when Tory picked her up. To the a chorus of confusion and mild panic, just as people began to scramble, Tory took her to the edge of the crowd, then turned to face it-- his sword raised and shield ready. He stood between Mariah and the crowd as a few people, simply put, began freaking the fuck out. They were positioned near a railing with the entirety of the crowd at their front, as people began to walk and shove, and drunkenly stumble... and then clap? [b]"Woah! Blake put it out!"[/b] Rather cheekily, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMqgVXSvwGo]a song began playing over the speakers[/url], and Mariah turned her eyes upward. Of course she immediately locked eyes with Maxi, who shrugged innocently. Deeply sighing, Mariah patted Tory's sweaty-as-hell shoulder, and told him, [color=#F3128D]"I am not. Jumping overboard. And ruining this good wig."[/color] Tory laughed then snapped at someone who got a little too close-- [color=#CBABCB]"BACK UP!"[/color] The person drunkely panicked in the other direction at the sight of the sword, and Tory spit to the side. Tory yelled at a couple that stumbled toward them, brandishing his weapon and growling, [color=#CBABCB]"Don' touch the fuckin' goods-- que mierda quieres hijueputa?!"[/color] Mariah threw her hands up, raised her brows, then opened her fan to fan herself as she leaned against the railing, mumbling, [color=#F3128D]"Estoy perdiendo mi puto quicio, but at least we got paid already."[/color] Tory whistled lowly,[color=#CBABCB]"How you talk him into paying upfront?"[/color] [color=#F3128D]"Oh, that was all Ma. You know how she is. Probably give him some dick growth Santeria bullshit,"[/color] Mariah shrugged, [color=#F3128D]"I hate when she fake bein' a Mexican Exorcist Fortune Teller Witch whatever the hell."[/color] Laughing again, Tory replied, [color=#CBABCB]"We good den, huh? Fire no fire, we good. Dance or not we good. Shieeeeeeet. Fuck'em."[/color] [color=#F3128D]"Fuck 'em,"[/color] Mariah agreed, staring at the upper floors with a chuckle, as Maxi began dancing to the music.