[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6TBXrFU.png[/img] [h3][b]Phineas Eugene O’Connell[/b][/h3][/center] Finney felt good about himself for knocking out Mr. Logan. He wasn’t sure he had it in him. Everyone he met was so very rough and aggressive. He just didn’t feel comfortable yet, but seeing Mr. Logan taking a nap on the wooden floor of the saloon, boosted his confidence. “Well, looks like Mr. Logan has decided to remain after all.” Phineas smiled at that comment, watching Logan’s thugs rush for the door; all except the one who grabbed Mistihkoman. Phineas pulled out a book of parchment papers, quill and ink bottle. He began to write notes on the fight; how it started, who did what and how the various folks in the bar reacted. He loved it. All he knew was, he felt fear. But that fear motivated him to smash the bottle over Logan’s head. He wondered if the others felt that fear. Also, if they didn’t experience the fear, where did they get their drive to fight. He made a mental note to ask his compatriots if he had the opportunity.