For the heights and weights for my characters, I went mostly with either the characters' stats from the Marvel Wiki or the actual actors. As for Black Widow, to give you an example, according to Google, Scarlet Johansson is 5'3 and 126 pounds. Here is a calculator to help if anyone needs it: [url][/url] Though what concerned me more than her weight was her age -- she's been alive for nearly 24 years (1999) at the start of the story but she's only 21? I made it pretty clear that the story starts on July 4th, 2023, and so it kind of worries me that you may inadvertently create plotholes in the RP if you miss details like that just in your CS. I will admit, I am concerned. As for leadership of the team, my plan was for Luke to eventually fill that role, but Caty seems like she would make a decent leader as well. I wasn't intending for Luke to come off as freaking out and needing Danny to calm him down, I was more just looking for a way to pull Danny into the scene to give Crim something to work with for his post, lol. At the end of my post, Luke did fall back and gasp at the pain in his eyes, but I never described him as freaking out or losing his cool. He's supposed to be the centered one out of my four characters, lol. Still, it will be interesting to see how the plot develops :D.