[center][b][i][h2][color=3CB371] Fernstar: WillowClan Camp [/color][/h2][/i][/b][/center] [center] Fernstar admired her medicine cat for keeping such good track of the herbs the Clan would need, but she wondered where they would find them all. With the snow covering almost every inch of ground and the harsh winds tearing through undergrowth, she worried if the herbs they would need survived this long into leafbare. Remembering the task she had set herself to do this morning, she stood, arched her back and politely asked, [color=3CB371][b] "When you're done getting the traveling herbs together, do you think you could help Maplestream and I re-pad the den walls? She is removing the old padding right now but new plant material needs to be collected and weaved into the bracken walls. Gathering moss would be helpful." [/b][/color] Padding towards the den entrance, she meowed to Blackpelt, [color=3CB371][b] "We will leave tonight after the hunting patrols have come back with prey and the border patrol returns. After the dens are padded again, the camp should be well kept enough for us to be gone one night. I will be removing old bedding from the dens with Maplestream, so please bring all the moss you can find back to camp." [/b][/color] Exiting the medicine den and emerging into the center of camp, Fernstar spotted Maplestream placing all the old moss and fern leaves from the warriors den in a large pile beside her. Without saying a word, she padded into the apprentice's den and begun doing the same. The moss smelled musty and unpleasant from the dampness of snow and extensive use. [color=3CB371][i] Merl will be happy she gets a new nest, I can hear her complaints already. I'll go there next. [/i][/color] When the pile had gotten large enough, she instructed Maplestream to dispose of the old bedding by dumping it off a nearby gorge into one of the large rushing rapids. It was a very quick and convenient way to dispose of it all, and wasn't that far from camp. [/center] [center] She couldn't help all the feelings of excitement, nervousness and questions mulling around in her head about visiting the cats from StarClan. All the stories she had heard about cats of legendary importance to the old Clans, and they had deemed her worthy of StarClan's blessing and the nine lives of a leader. Her paws itched to get going to the Moonpool, but she knew for now she had to focus on her duties in camp. After the apprentice's den was stripped bare, she piled the old bedding by the camp entrance for Maplestream to dispose of next and padded towards the elders den. [color=3CB371][i] I wonder how Merl is doing with this cold? Maybe Blackpelt could give her some chamomile after I re-pad her nest to give her some warmth. [/i][/color] Although her attitude was gruff most of the time, Fernstar could see how grateful Merl was to have her Clanmates around; and she shared the elder's gratitude. It was because of Merl the Clan had Brambletail, who was such a strong deputy. She wished the hunting patrol would return soon so she could offer the elder she-cat some prey. [color=3CB371][i] StarClan let them come back with prey to fill my cat's bellies. . . [/i][/color][/center]