[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8CnIPoZ.png[/img] [h1]Welcome to Chaldea[/h1] Chapter 1[/center] Nobody slept at Chaldea. It was a cruel reality that sleep wasn't on the table, even during the most peaceful times. But as the organization became closer and closer to the final end goal of their research, excitement was everywhere. Everybody worked. Everybody did multiple shifts. The dream of the Rayshift was so close, and today was the morning of the day when it all came together. The night before, the leaders of Chaldea had gathered the first of many teams who would bus using the miracle of the Rayshift. To breach into the past. To see and observe the things that slipped off balance. It was a task only suited for the most elite and well suited among them to such things. Those chosen had been given the privilege to become the first Masters of Chaldea, who would lead servants. That was yesterday though. Today, the team would wake up to the sounds of alarms. Clock alarms, and the charming voice of the facility's top scientist, architect, linguist, inventor, pa- Just assume he did a lot... [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Wek5o5Y.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]"Morning morning you lucky ducklings!"[/color] The ecstatic voice of Raphael echoed through the room. His smile was contagious, and his bright red outfit made him stand out quite abit in comparison to the grey metal walls of the facility. [color=ed1c24]"You all slept a good 9 hours, which was 7 hours more than anybody else in the facility!"[/color] He swept his hands back, holding them in a Y sort of shape. [color=ed1c24]"Now, there are still a few hours before we finally do our first major Rayshift and officially set you chicks to work! But until then, get some food, talk to your summoned servants, and whatever else you might have on your minds. Servants don't need to eat our sleep, so chances are they've scattered through the facility. If you don't have them all together by the time we Rayshift, you'll be going without them."[/color] Raphael prattled, while the team was no doubt getting dressed. [color=ed1c24]"If you have any questions, don't ask them here. Because I'm a TV and can't actually hear you. Ask me in person."[/color] And with that, the TV blipped off, and the most important day of many lives in the Chaldea facility began.