[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/bftdLNR.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]I'm an idiot.[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]Not as bad as my dad at least.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Blake's Orgy Yacht... Ew.[/sub][/center] [indent] Grace was honestly surprised at people like that, people so expressive... She wished she was like that, but corporate daddies are not always so easily swathed by being yourself. Grace could not help but smile as she watched them go onto the stage. "But, she's magic, and I gotta feeling she's bullshittin' us. So let's make sure she's not going to Blake to rat us out." "[color=#FF5757]Okay! Recon mission, cool cool.[/color]" Said Grace following quickly to what Madison did which was turn to the stage. Madison then went on to ask what Grace could do as they started following this other girl. Grace then raised her hand up to the height of her chest and did a weird spinning hand gesture but before she could say something, the Jaws manifested around Madison and she took a step back in shock but quickly got used to it. It was definitely freaky so she wanted to show Madison since there were now others like her, she then wriggled her fingers and sparks bounced from finger to finger, "[color=#FF5757]I wouldn't say freaky, lightning isn't that freaky, it's just uh... Devastating.[/color]" She said with a small giggle in her voice, she then followed that sentence up by swivelling herself by her heels to do a quick 90 degree turn towards the left side of the stage and continued, "[color=#FF5757]I can also run really fast, but dang is it hard to see when I'm going so fast.[/color]" "[color=#FFD700]Nope, yeah no, I'm an idiot.[/color]" Said Quinn as she facepalmed pretty hard, now only seeing the hat and sunglasses on Maya's face. She put both the items back to hide her shame because that was real embarrassing. "[color=#FFD700]Just throw me off the boat.[/color]" Then the sudden appearance of a woman snapped her out of it, she looked older- oh and Maya already knew her apparently. She must have missed something... It was back at the hotel, the time where she was late. She was still trying to piece everything together, the back and forth dialogue had Quinn thinking. She really was wondering what had happened. When Madison's elbow hit Grace a jolt ran down her body and her eyes started bouncing around trying to see what Madison wanted her to see, upon the verbal cue that it was on stage, her eyes immediately darted to the stage while listening to Madison's comment. "[color=#FF5757]I wouldn't say ugly, I'd say... Aesthetically challenged.[/color]" She joked, laughing at herself a little at that silly little joke. Madison then lead on but her sentence was cut off by someone exclaiming that a fire had broken out. "[color=#FF5757]Not Good.[/color]" Said Grace. "[color=#FFD700]Fuckin' finally![/color]" Exclaimed Quinn. "[color=#FF5757]Quinn this better not be you...[/color]" She whispered to herself, Grace knew that the girl's reputation was already pretty shit and if she started this fire this would definitely not be good for that same reputation. "[color=#FF5757]You think that's Schmidt or our girls?[/color]" She asked Madison. "[color=#FFD700]Okay I at least wanted to see a little bit of the orgy.[/color]" Said Quinn, now thinking that due to the fire that orgy would stop. She watched Claudette stop the fire pretty quickly and Maya go in the other direction. As that woman and Maya walked away, the cogs in Quinn's head started to turn, and in a flash she finally got it. She blinked twice in quick succession and looked at Claudette, "[color=#FFD700]Wait... Did Maya and that woman have se-[/color]" Back to Grace, she steadied herself as she heard the screaming just stop since the fire had just stopped apparently. She turned to Madison in completely confusion and asked, "[color=#FF5757]Uh... Was that one of ours? I'm still trying to learn everyone's name and uh... Abilities.[/color]" Said Grace as she looked left and right trying to see if the fire really was out. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]