When Iris assured him that nothing had happened between her and Miles during the lockdown, Caspian was flooded with relief. Even though he’d told her that he couldn’t get upset with her for dating around when they hadn’t talked about being exclusive, it still would have hurt to hear that she and Miles had explored something beyond friendship while he’d been separated from her. It sounded like they had been on the same regardless of their lack of communication though. He nodded contemplatively as she told him that she’d never considered being with anyone other than him. To hear her affirm it made his heart swell with affection, and he supposed she didn’t think like other high borns in that way either. In the capital, it was common practice for everyone to date casually, sometimes being with more than one person at a time unless otherwise specified. Young adults specifically were reluctant to tie themselves down to one exclusive partner. They preferred to keep their options open and have fun with all sorts of relationships from one night stands to casual flings to friends with benefits. Out of the few women he’d dated, only one had stopped seeing other people before he’d asked to have a closed, “girlfriend-boyfriend” kind of relationship. It was just part of the culture to remain untethered for as long as anyone could. So, knowing that Iris didn’t have that kind of mentality was a weight off his shoulders. He’d never been able to enjoy dating around anyway. [color=#b97703]“Well, I’m glad,”[/color] he exhaled, managing a small smile now that he wasn’t overwhelmed with jealousy and worry. [color=#b97703]“I’m sorry I didn’t trust you to stay with me… I’m just used to having to make the distinction because things are different here. Loyalty isn’t something you come across very often in the capital.”[/color] As she stood and reached out to touch his cheek, he leaned into her hand, happy to know that nothing had changed between them. He’d just misunderstood the situation. She still cared about him and wanted to be with him even though they still had no idea how they were going to make it happen. That was all he’d needed to hear. [color=#b97703]“God, I love you,”[/color] he sighed contentedly as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. Her lips were warm against his skin, and the feeling resonated for a few seconds even after she pulled back. Thinking on it, their relationship was unusual. They had confessed their feelings for each other quickly because they hadn’t been sure if death would part them in the rebels’ prison, yet they hadn’t talked about “what they were” in any traditional sense. Everything they’d done had been out of order, but somehow, they’d made it work. When she leaned in to meet his lips, he closed his eyes, wishing they were alone, so they didn’t have to part so quickly. Unfortunately, he could already hear the sound of muffled voices coming from the hallway beyond Miles’ bedroom. Their time had run out. With a pang of mild disappointment, he watched as Iris settled down on the floor at his feet, resting her back against his legs rather than returning to the sofa. It was a simple gesture, but to him, it meant the world that she was staying close at the risk of his friends thinking her suspicious. He dragged the back of his hand across his mouth to wipe away any evidence that they had just kissed as the door opened, and the other high borns stepped into the room, laughing about something one of them had said just before they’d arrived. Closing them into the room, Miles glanced at Cas and Iris and blinked. “You know, we might just be the least gentlemanly men in the entire country,” he mused, gesturing to the latter on the ground. “She never sleeps in the bed, and now she’s literally on the floor so the three of us can be comfortable.” [color=#b97703]“Nothing you can do if she doesn’t want special treatment,”[/color] Cas pointed out with a shrug, doing his best to hide his satisfaction that Iris was away from his friend at last. “That’s true,” Jay agreed, ambling over to sit on the sofa. “If you forced it, that would make you a dick.” “That doesn’t make it any less weird,” Miles shook his head, taking a seat at Jay’s side. “Anyway, weren’t we about to pop this bad boy open?” He picked up the bottle of champagne from the coffee table and brandished it excitedly.