[quote=@Dolerman] Second Son had interesting ideas but was just sort of unpolished, which makes it the direct opposite of 90% of AC games. I only expect Ghost to be better than something like Oddessy, which should make it [i]just[/i] bearable enough to tide me over until Wasteland 3 [/quote] I doubt it'll be better than Odyssey you can't even get a boat with Davy Jones, Charon, Herakles, and Richard the Lionheart so it can't even compete. Also nothing in Second Son was as interesting as alien cyber deities and Adam and Eve being human slaves in a technologically advanced precursor city and said cyber deities would go on to influence religion and humanity's advancement while also guiding the conflict of ideologies up to and including one of them getting mad and hanging out in Ubisoft's mainframe fucking around while you slave away testing a game made by out of touch directors and staffers with the only sign of your inevitable crunch being little figure statues of other characters on your desk shelf in a rare bit of accidental meta commentary on the banal and thankless job making a video game most people will stop talking about in two months is. You can see the exact moment when the game is screaming for help from the player but nothing can be done because deadlines have to be met and the bonus won't happen this year because it's just not in the budget now hurry up and figure out a way to add a cash shop to a single player game because everyone loves those get back to your desk and work you nameless, faceless cog in the AAA machine that is being occupied by a vengeful super being whose plotline will get resolved in a comic book because we decided to go in a different direction that will split the fanbase between those who actually liked the rote mechanics of following someone and not letting a meter fill up and those who actually prefer the series be an RPG because it's more fun to murder and fuck as a Greek woman than it is to play literally any other character we've made.