Sending them off with a bang? Janus shook his head. They'd been given the biggest funeral pyre that the world had ever seen with the etheron. anything he added now would just be a insult in his own mind. He turned, looking over his shoulder at the crowd, he sighed and looked towards the sky. this wasn't a time to be celebrating, these were dark times and stopping to send the fallen off with a bang further was a waste of time. More would fall before this was over. Far to meany to count, friends, foes. all would be lost to the hungry maw of the war Janus could see. it was all he could do to stop from walking off right then and there and calling them fools. he walked away from them and sat down on the edge of a fountain. the cold gray sky held nothing for contemplation, nor did the earth, and he could not look at the crowd for fear of annoying himself further so he closed his eyes and tried to decide on his next course of action. normally he did jobs on his own, but maybe it was time to find a team. but he had no idea what to look for in a team. having always taken things on alone and coming out ontop.