[h2]Sekiguchi Akane - Higanbana Shoujo[/h2] "I am quite happy to hear that," Akane began, "I place my faith in you, Caster." Akane smiled. Ah, this was really the perfect acquisition for her, the perfect Servant to summon. She was certain her time during this Holy Grail War would not be dull at all. As she proceeded out of her mansion, the doors slide open under their own power the moment she approached. Softly, silently, she walked down a path through the field of higanbana. All that could be heard was the faint sound of the wind, and of cicadas chirping. Crows calling. It was just how Akane desired it, in all honestly. Anyone who wandered into this place would think they had passed into some kind of boundary between the mortal world and the underworld. In a way, perhaps that was not an entirely inaccurate way of considering it. As Akane reached the edge of her territory, the air seemed to ripple. She exited her bounded field, from the outside seeming to simply fade into existence. Here, it appeared to be nothing more then a clearing in the forest. Though... it was notable that there were still several clumps of higanbana, sprouting here and there... "If it is a shrine you want, I know just the place," Akane continued as she proceeded out of the clearing, "Fufu, I wonder if there will be anyone nearby? Perhaps, if there is, a little light entertainment could be in order..." It wouldn't be the first time she'd used the shrine's surroundings to play a little game with some of the locals, or tourists. Tourists tended not to believe in her, which made catching a glimpse all the more entertaining. [@KoL]