It felt strange to her to know that loyalty wasn’t a big thing in the Capital, she wondered what that meant in regard to relationships and dating. To her if you wanted to be with someone you would give your all to that person, though thinking on it she had betrayed her boyfriend at the time Ethan when she had started to fall for Cas. Of course, she didn’t have her memories, but the idea of it still caused her some sense of guilt. Honestly, she knew she had dodged a bullet with that relationship, and she wondered what she had ever seen in him at the time. Until she gained her memories she would never know and a part of her didn’t want to know. Hearing him confess his love for her once more made her feel warm, it was nice to feel loved and she did by him. Those words could make her forget about all the troubles they would face briefly, and she knew it was worth it. At the end of the day she loved him, he loved her and they could work it out together, she hoped they could at least because she didn’t know what she would do without having him as a consistent in her life. Trying to hide her disappointment she felt herself sigh as she knew the boys had returned, she could hear the voices just as she had settled down using Cas as a backrest and she knew they had cut it close. It was a miracle no one had walked in on them, but she hoped they could get some more time together later though it was something she highly doubted would happen. [color=f49ac2][i]Unless Miles and Jay get really trashed and pass out?[/i][/color] Considering the thought to herself as she smiled up at the boys who moved inside. [color=f49ac2]“It’s not that you’re not gentleman, you all just respect my decision and don’t push back against it.”[/color] Iris laughed softly, [color=f49ac2]“I keep saying no to the bed and well, I just thought it would be nice for Jay to take a seat. I’ve not left that sofa for ages anyway I was getting bored with it.”[/color] Shrugging it off with a smile, glancing up as Cas spoke about her not wanting special treatment which was also true. That wasn’t her, she wasn’t a huge fan of attention anyway, so it suited her just fine. [color=f49ac2]“I suppose I have to try this really expensive champagne then.” Iris grinned to herself as she looked up at Cas, “I bet you’ve had plenty of this stuff before.”[/color] Teasing softly before she leaned forward picking up a glass holding it out to Miles so he could pour some out for her, as much as she wasn’t a drinker it would look strange if she just outright refused. It was also a good opportunity to try something so expensive as she would never get this chance again, turning back to Cas she smiled before speaking, [color=f49ac2]“Do you want a glass too? I can grab you one.” [/color]