[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wjbPELQ.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] George Washington University: Behind Starbucks -> the main street [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Perception [/center] [hr][hr] The universe gave one very clear message: DO NOT GO THIS WAY. Andy had her own superstitions. She had survived by following her gut for so long. Everything was making it abundantly clear to her that she wasn't to go this way. She wanted this situation to end. She wanted to be away from it but there was no leaving it, only going through it. Fine so be it. Getting close to the insane woman would be an act of insanity. Andy wore a jacket with metal studs. That would be asking for her to just be pushed away like last week's garbage. But the jacket meant more to Andy than the cup of coffee neither of which she particularly wanted to part with. Andy came back out from the alley. She could see the magnet lady flying over the destroyed Sentinal. Why weren't there just easy things for her to punch? Andy sighed considered her coffee and took another sip. Andy looked around the street trying to find something, anything that could assist. [color=b71d5d]"Hey, uh...Ice lady. I don't know if it helps you, but there is a fire hydrant there."[/color] Andy pointed at it. She hadn't seen the woman do anything with water, and apparently she could just summon ice as she pleased, but maybe if she had a bunch of water it could help her. It wasn't like Andy knew any of this group, their powers, or skill sets. Heck, she had known them what a whole thirty or so minutes. She was just guessing, and unless something that she wanted to punch was in punching distance Andy felt and was essentially useless.