[color=#b97703]“Only because wine and champagne are served at every formal event in the history of Aspiria,”[/color] Caspian rolled his eyes when Iris commented that he’d probably had a lot of it before. As a member of the royal family, he had practically been born with a crystal flute in his hand. Anytime there was something to be celebrated—a holiday, a birthday, a successful political endeavor—out came the wealthiest supporters of the monarchy and the finest champagnes that money could buy. In truth, the one they were about to drink was on the lower end of the spectrum too. He’d had bottles worth fifteen [i]thousand [/i]credits at high born gallas in the past. The sad part was that he still couldn’t tell much of a difference between any of them. The more expensive drinks were better, sure, but it seemed a little ridiculous that they costed so much more when the cheaper stuff was good too. “Don’t pretend like you don’t enjoy it,” Miles called him out as he popped the cork off the bottle and lifted the brim to his nose to breathe in the first fragrance of the champagne. “Louis Roederer makes some of the best champagne you can drink. There’s a reason why it costs as much as it does.” [color=#b97703]“[i]Pretentious[/i],”[/color] Cas coughed into his sleeve. “Seriously?” Miles said dryly, casting him an unamused look. The prince shrugged, [color=#b97703]“Call me uncultured if you want, but luxury wines are something I’ve never understood. Well, unless it’s an old vintage, but that bottle was only aged for about a decade.”[/color] He held up his hands quickly. [color=#b97703]“It’s still good. I just can’t taste the difference between [i]Louis Roederer Cristal[/i] and [i]Gosset Grand Blanc de Blancs[/i].”[/color] “Oh my god,” Miles clutched at his chest exaggeratedly. “How am I supposed to bow to a king who can’t tell a one thousand credit champagne from a common, one hundred credit bottle?” He turned to Jay. “This is unacceptable. I feel led on.” “Dude, knock off the theatrics,” Jay snorted. “I can’t tell the difference either. Just pour me a damn glass and stop pretending like you’re better than us.” Cas laughed as Miles pulled a face and reluctantly filled four flutes with the sparkling, yellow drink. The two high borns took half for themselves, leaving the other two for the prince and Iris. Cas nodded when Iris offered to get one for him, not wanting to move while she was still using him for support on the ground. Though he really couldn’t tell the difference between cheap and quality champagne, he still liked the refreshing taste of the drink. Once they all had a glass in hand, Jay lifted his in a toast. “To pulling off the most successful prison break the capital has ever seen!” [color=#b97703]“Cheers,”[/color] Cas said in unison with Miles, grinning as he raised his own glass and then brought it to his lips to take a swig of the champagne.