[hider=Isolde] [center] [h1][b][color=Cyan]Isolde Morden[/color][/b][/h1] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/91/15/f5/9115f5e820149bc472641d5a04027727--blue-eyes-black-hair-gray-eyes.jpg[/img] [color=cyan][hr][/color] [color=cyan][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] Female [color=cyan][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] 18 [color=cyan][b][u]Birthday[/u][/b][/color] 12/23 [color=cyan][b][u]Sexuality[/u][/b][/color] Pansexual [color=cyan][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] Needless to say, Isolde is at least semi attractive, being 5’ 9” and having clean, sleek jet black hair down to her hips. And maybe it’s the electricity, or her inhuman nature as a witch, but her eyes are an almost neon, electric blue, as if they’re glowing. She comes of as very eye-candyish, but her attire is a complete inversion of her personality and physical appearance. She wears a lot of slacked, baggy clothes like sweatpants and a hoodie. She walks with her head held high, as if she’s already seen everything around her for months. She doesn’t have a very interesting fashion sense, but the most interesting thing about her look is the very profound lichtenberg scar that spirals from her wrist up to her shoulder, which she got inked over like a tattoo a while back. The scar happened when she was first experimenting with lightning magic when she was 13. Isolde can often be seen with a staff in her hand. It looks like an ordinary but fancy walking stick, and mostly, it is, but it’s also a common thing in the Morden family. It is a dense wood line with carvings of clouds and mountainous animals, with a metal ring at the two ends. It weighs roughly 2.5 pounds and is eye level with Isolde. [color=cyan][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] Isolde is a very grounded person. Her head is never in the clouds, unless literally, and she’s not afraid to speak her mind. Isolde has an energetic atmosphere around her, like at any moment the whole mood could flip from calm to roaring intensity. She respects the elders of the coven, knowing full well why they’re the elders, and tries to listen to their words as much as possible. This doesn’t mean in the slightest that she listens to them because of their authority. Isolde is an upstanding kind of witch, sure, but as far as she’s concerned, there’s nothing stopping her from going rogue but herself, and she likes it here. She admires the work that has to be done to keep a wellspring safe from monsters that would use its sacred power for bad reasons, and therefore, if she has to die fighting for one, she will go down swinging. She’s a very zealous type of girl, and only sometimes has the energy to back it up, when she’s not in a fierce mood, she’s sweet to the people she knows. She’s protective out of instinct alone, but has learned to not get involved in something nobody wants her involved in. Her friends are family to her, she’s the type to kiss someone on the hand when they’re close enough to her, especially women. and carry them on her back when they sprain their foot. She’s a whole mood when she wants to be, it’s just about getting that mental momentum, as she’d put it. Isolde is noble, and tries to maintain honor among the people she is around, be it through basic respect, or treating an enemy of her people as another person, with their own beliefs and reasons that make her never want to kick a dog when it’s down. She grew up with a deep connection to the culture surrounding witches and magic, and therefore has an admiration for people who stretch the boundaries of what magic is through their own creativity, however that may be. [color=cyan][b][u]Biography[/u][/b][/color] Isolde was born into a house of witches known by few other than elders in a coven for their control of the clouds. Bending lighting in the palms of their hands is in the Morden house’s blood. It is an old family, secluded in the distant parts of the Appalachian mountain range. One of the six founders of the original family, Valerica Morden, left her teachings behind a few lifetimes ago to be passed down to the future generations. Isolde is one such witch. Occasionally, members of the Morden house are sent to covens in the region to learn from other witches. It’s not common, but Isolde is the first one in at least 3 or 4 years to go to a new coven. One of the Morden House elders, known as Asmen Morden, sent word to the leaders of Dying Branch, to put in a good word for Isolde. The mountains were almost covered in snow, where Isolde lived, it was mild weather year round, and the Mordens kept in touch with only a handful of covens, which is how they’d keep up with the important events of the world. Dying Branch was the one they talked with the most. Isolde, being old enough to handle herself, was given the choice to stay or leave to learn more from the outside world. Naturally, she left. She took with her the a copy of all three of Valerica Morden’s teachings to educate herself on the Morten family’s old magic, hoping to learn more in this new chapter of her life. Each of the three books had a singular rune, meaning “Lock” on the inside of the front covers to protect the knowledge within them. The only people permitted to open the books were Isolde, and an elder of the Dying Branch. The reason for the secrecy of the Morden family is because in the mountains, they have their own wellspring that they guard closely. It is not like the Dying Branch’s wellspring. It is a tree with silver bark, and luminous leaves that drift along the wind, they give off a faint blue glow against the thundery clouds of the mountains. It is believed by the family that this tree is the cause for their lives in the mountaintops. Normally, few things could survive there, but the weather and wildlife has been changed by the mountains. Rams with pale fur, and glassy horns can occasionally be seen trotting through the fields on the mountains. Of course, beneath the one or two mile long fields of the Morden family’s home, there is nothing like that. The tree, known as the Mountain’s Heart, is found in a place only the Morden elders know of, they only refer to it as “Valerica’s Valley.” Stories tell of a young tree growing over the grave where Valencia Morden was said to be buried, but it’s nearly impossible to find if you’re not an elder. Isolde may never see the Mountain’s Heart, but it’s alright. She’s going to see the outside world for herself, and maybe one day teach someone to wield lightning herself, when she earns the right. [color=cyan][b][u]Notable Rumors[/u][/b][/color] Some people say she’s just a lesbian. Not true. [color=cyan][b][u]Greatest Fear[/u][/b][/color] Lightning. It’s weird to think about a lightning magic user being afraid of their power, but you’d be an absolute fool to [i]not[/i] be afraid of lightning, especially when your magic of choice involves conducting it through your hands and arms. [hider=Magic: Lightning] [sub][img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/84/97/b6/8497b6a97eab843724cba6233fac4c57.jpg[/img][/sub] [i]”A storm without rage is a breeze. A storm without calm is the end of everything. There is no storm without an eye. To wield the strength of darkened clouds, one must understand the eye of the storm no less than the winds and rain of the storm. Only then can you let the power flow as if it were water.” [sub]Forces of The Sky. Volume 1 - Valerica Morden.[/sub][/i] It suits her personality greatly, being able to conduct the storms above one’s head the way Isolde does. By letting the magic energy in her body flow a certain way, and not forcing it to move any other way, Isolde has learned to channel and create electricity in her body, and direct it at whatever she sees fit. The only way she can actually handle doing this is by “bracing” herself for it, which is done by circulating magic energy throughout her body, without using it up. The problem is that she can’t just watch a bolt of lightning fly at her and [i]then[/i] brace for it, since lighting is, well, lightning fast. The actual creation of lightning in Isolde’s body is a lot more difficult to do, since she has to divide her energy into one part for bracing, and the other for its creation. She could just forgo channeling the lightning all together if she wanted, but she wouldn’t be able to store it in her body to do any number of things with. Those things include running the energy throughout her body like a battery, and hitting something to transfer the energy, or firing it into the air to heat up any sort of moisture in the air to make even more lightning. It’s a lot harder than it sounds, and Isolde doesn’t get many chances to practice being a conduit for a lightning storm since she left the mountains, but the next time the weather gets really bad, you’re no doubt gonna see Isolde standing in the middle of an open field. It’s also the cause of her lichtenberg scar. It is common for witches of the Morden family to be scarred like this, and it’s a running joke among most that if you don’t have a lichtenberg scar somewhere on your body, you’re not really a Morden. All of the standard knowledge the Morden witches ever learn about lightning is recorded in the three volumes of [i]Forces of The Sky,[/i] everything else learned about lightning magic is learned through experience, which Isolde has roughly 7 years of. [/hider] [color=cyan][u][b]Color[/b][/u][/color] Cyan [/center] [/hider]