“ Annoying? Annoying? The food was a crime against nature! Annoying was understating it! I - “ Lak Lok stopped mid sentence when he noticed every patron in the restaurant was pointedly looking at him with stares of confusion and fear. Ah. He might have gotten too ahead of himself here. “ Though…..., I may have caused a scene. I realise that not everyone appreciates my tastes for cuisine.” Lak Lok’s slitted nostrils flared in resignation before glumly speaking. “ Fine. Very well. I will do my best to reign in my temper. I’m sorry.” As a gesture of apology, Lak Lok begrudgingly deposited one coin of his own on top of the tab before sliding off the stool. “ Let us be off, then. We have places to be, things to do, delicacies to sample, mysteries to - ” Lak Lok paused as he was walking out of the tavern, sniffing the air for a few moments. His head then turned almost 360 degrees towards a troll who was slowly cutting into a grilled cavefish. The troll stopped cutting when he took a look at Lak Lok’s mortified expression. Without explanation, the kobold scrambled towards the troll hurriedly and slapped the knife out of his hand, sending it clattering over the floor. “ The cavefish is still undercooked.” Lak Lok then dipped his claw into the flesh of the fish and showed the ruby red blood still visible underneath. He then shook himself out of his stupor and then, smiled sheepishly. “ Just trying to help you.” He then leaped off the table and then walked towards the entrance, waving for the members of the group to come over.