Emily and Phillip sighed. After doing all that research, they found the one being who could help them. That awful day was still fresh in their minds. They were still thinking about it as they made their way to their friends birthday celebration. Emily frowned. Eric did as well. "Must we go to this party Eric?" -"I am afraid so. We must seem normal, at least for now. Do not fret. I'll find an excuse for us to leave before sunset. We will also begin our journey to find the sorceress queen very soon." Emily sighed. She nodded. "Thank you." She managed a faint smile. They would soon arrive at the estate in question. Emily stood there and waited. Eric walked up to the door. He took a deep breath. Then, he knocked on the door. After that, they were both waiting to be let inside. Emily really hoped her brother told her the truth. Those first four nights since the curse was placed on them were horrible. That first night, it was painful and afterwards? She had turned into an ugly wild boar and he had turned into a stinky skunk. The second night? She was a horrible screeching parrot and he was a helpless little mouse. The third night? She had turned into a fierce bear and he had turned into an almost equally fierce wolf. The fourth night? She had turned into a pony, which wasn't so bad by comparison, but Eric had turned into vampire bat and she had felt bad for her brother. Emily almost teared up before the door opened for them.