[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200714/cd9c50cc6e6d06543510ad8c4dfdabf4.png[/img][/center] [hr] Lots of things happen when you ran especially fast. You get lightheaded after sprinted long enough, your blood sugar drops, and your body feels like it's on fire. This, combined with the dozens of other minor effects from exertion and fatigue lead to people being a bit less perceptive than usual. Chad was running far from his maximum speed, and he felt none of these symptoms. He'd definitely lie and say he did if ever questioned about what was going to happen, however. As he neared Savior Island, barely saw the figure of a person in front of him appear before he collided with them. Chad was immediately hit with a sense of unease since he just slammed into what he thought was a person at just under 100 miles per hour, but this was washed away with pain as he was forced back from the collision. Chad was initially very perplexed why he felt so much pain - he ran into brick walls at the speeds he was running with little more than bruises and aches, but this felt like getting hit by a 250 lb Tackle. To Chad's credit, he didn't fall from the crash - he was only pushed back a few feet and left staggered, thanks to his temporary durability and padded armor. [color=8B4513]"Oh shit... Are you oka-"[/color] It was easy to tell Chad's surprise when he noticed who he ran into, even when Chad was wearing a helmet. His arms shot in the air as he screamed loudly. [color=8B4513]"OH MY GOD, ARE YOU HUGO POWERS?! Do you have any Invincible Warmonger posters I can-"[/color] Chad might have been able to dodge the blow if he hadn't been distracted, but he wasn't as blessed as other Speedsters when it came to reaction time. Powers slapped Chad with incredible force, and while the helmet may have absorbed some of the blow, Chad didn't have any of his temporary durability to protect himself. He collapsed to the ground on his stomach and reeled for several seconds as Powers spoke. [color=lightslategray]"You have ten seconds to tell me your name, occupation, and why the hell you're here, or else I put you in a cell with the meanest bastard in all of Coldwater. So if that idea doesn't sound appealing to you, start talking."[/color] [color=8B4513]"I'm sorry, I don't need the poster, please don't shoot-"[/color] It took a second to fully process that Powers didn't have a gun, and understand what he was saying before Chad instantly relented. [color=8B4513]"I'm Chad Connors, Pizza Delivery Man at Porter's Pizza. I want to be a super cool badass Hero, a-and I thought you came to H.E.R.O to be a Hero cause it sounds cooler than I.C.O.S.A. P-p-please don't put me into Coldwater, The C-chainsaw Charlatan will kill me for throwing him in prison!"[/color] Chad might have been slightly concussed from the collision, or too frightened by the prospect of prison to think clearly, or maybe he just talked when he was under stress. Whatever the reason, he kept on talking when he clearly should have been silent. [color=8B4513]"My Boss is Percy P-porter, and my hours are 10 to 7. My favorite food is P-pizza, even though I eat a ton of it since I work at a Pizza p-place. My blog is [i]The Bullet Chamber[/i] and it's super c-cool, and I don't want to go to prison!!! I-I think my Social Security is 318-"[/color] Chad paused as he struggled to remember his Social Security number, before eventually giving up. [color=8B4513]"I think it's on my phone... C-can I please get up? My suit is really hard to clean..."[/color]