[b][i][u]Momoe, Ayu, Taka[/u][/i][/b] Chikako's brutal execution lead to an uproar in the courtroom. Most of them didn't get along before this point, but the reality of the situation had made the tensions between every student a lot worse. Momoe was surprisingly silent during all of it, simply staring up at the monitor with her one eye narrowed in disgust. The pockets of her coat bulged slightly as she kept her hands hidden in them. Before Chikako's demise, Ayu had walked over next to Hiroki. After it, she'd asked a brief "Are you okay?" of him when the boy emptied out his gut all over the floor. While Ayu still didn't have much of any notable expression on her face, she also couldn't look anyone straight in the eye after what everyone witnessed. She didn't speak up when Hiroki was lashing out, either. The girl just trailed behind him like a lost puppy. At one point it looked like she wanted to reach a hand out to the boy in reassurance, but hesitated and withdrew. Before long, the both of them were standing right in front of Shirou. "...It's okay," she softly said to Hiroki. "You don't have to listen. Let's return to our rooms and rest." On the other end of the room, Taka stood frozen and speechless through all of what had been transpiring. He'd looked from Hibiki to Shirou and then Hiroki, powerless to stop the petty squabbling. He turned his head to the right. Momoe was still motionless. "What about you, huh?" he asked her, "Don't you usually have some smartass thing to say here?" The girl turned around, lazily glanced Taka's way and then walked past him, back to the elevator. "Wha- hey, you can't just ignore me!" he shouted back, though Momoe hardly cared. Taka clenched both his fists and his teeth, boiling inside. Nobody else was paying attention to him, either. [sub]"Damnit...! Why can't I do anything?!"[/sub] he muttered to himself, fuming, as he also made his way to the elevator.