The werevulture shook her head. “We don’t really have the numbers here to be a fighting force. My flock are scouts. Most of our warriors are fighting in the battle below. We’ll still follow your orders, though, whatever they are.” She answered. “Maybe we could just push through one pass?” Ahnasha suggested. “Don’t let them divide us. Maybe if we just hit one of their lines really hard, we can push through before we get trapped?” Meesei was reluctant to accept the suggestion. “I do not think that will work. I do agree with the commander here.” She said, gesturing to the Dominion officer. They are using the narrow pass to their advantage. Even if we put all of our forces through one path, we will not be able to bring them all to bear at once. They could slow us down, then send a force down one of the unguarded paths to get around behind us trap us in from both sides. I do believe we have no choice but to dedicate forces to all three paths. But, as Sabine suggests, we could use portals or other tactics to give us an advantage.”