While Jay and Iris talked, Caspian sipped idly at his drink and glanced at Miles, who was also listening to them talk. The other high born’s gaze was fixed not-so-subtly on Iris’s face, making it obvious that he was still enamored with her. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. Even though he’d just talked to her and gotten confirmation that she didn’t want to be with anyone other than him, it was annoying to watch one of his friends become infatuated with her too. He was even a little surprised by the strength of his frustration. He’d never guessed that he would be the possessive type, but then again, he’d never had feelings for the same woman as Jay or Miles before, so they’d never competed. Now that he and his friend were both interested in Iris, he felt the irrational urge to lay claim to her even though nothing would happen between her and the other man. Trying not to dwell on it, he turned away from Miles to listen more closely to the others talk. Jay shook his head when Iris brought up the reality TV shows that were popular in the capital. “I don’t like them either,” he agreed with her. “Why watch something like that when you could be watching exciting action movies instead?” “You just don’t like anything that doesn’t have guns, hot women and cars,” Miles debated with a scoff. “I think the drama is fun, and so do a lot of other people. It’s also easy to turn viewing parties into drinking parties really fast.” At the sound of the doorbell, they both glanced at the bedroom door along with Cas. “Should be,” Miles confirmed to Iris, standing up from the sofa. “I’ll go get it.” He headed out the door again to get their food, and Jay made himself comfortable right away by sprawling out with his legs up on the couch, taking over the whole piece of furniture. “He can sit on the floor when he comes back,” he justified, resting his head on the arm of the sofa with a sly smile. [color=#b97703]“He’s gonna sit on [i]you[/i],”[/color] Cas warned amusedly. He’d known Jay and Miles long enough to expect that when the latter came back, they were just going to end up wrestling over the couch because of the former’s shenanigans. It happened almost every time. He turned back to look at Iris, deciding to participate in the conversation she had started up before. [color=#b97703]“I think reality shows are popular because a lot of people here like the idea of being on TV,”[/color] he posed. [color=#b97703]“There are so many different ones with so many different themes that pretty much anyone can send in an audition to join. Especially the dating shows. I bet they get hundreds of applicants every season.”[/color] He paused, then added, [color=#b97703]“And a lot of people just like judging the cast over everything they do wrong.”[/color] He shrugged. [color=#b97703]“I like a few of them, but they’re pretty hit or miss for me as a genre.”[/color]