[color=f49ac2]“Yeah I think even I’d prefer watching the action movies. Some of it was just absolute dribble. I was not a fan.”[/color] Shaking her head in amusement as Jay happily conversed with her, it was nice to just have a casual conversation with someone else. Someone other than Miles for the past week and Jay seemed genuinely interested which was nice. That and she knew Jay had no intentions of making any sort of moves on her unlike Miles, it felt strange to think of that because she had honestly been so oblivious to it but now it seemed so obvious she couldn’t believe she had missed it. [color=f49ac2][i]How will I even approach that subject? Maybe we are over thinking it. Maybe he doesn’t like me[/i][/color]. Iris thought to herself as she glanced down at the flute of champagne in her hands that she had barely touched. Glancing up for a second nodding as Miles said he would go get their food, a part of her nervous to try this new pizza that she had never tasted before. It would be interesting to see if she did like it, hopefully she did because she didn’t want to feel different from the others over it or be pestered about not liking it. Again just another thing she knew she was overthinking, but everything was building up for her especially when she felt like she had no one to talk too. Chuckling as she watched Jay get comfortable on the sofa, she rolled her eyes when he said Miles could sit on the floor, [color=f49ac2]“As if he would. You better not be ruining my bed there I don’t want to sleep on the floor.”[/color] Making a fun comment to keep the mood light and happy, especially as she was enjoying the company of everyone here even if she would rather prefer spending it with just Cas. [color=f49ac2]“Really? Why do people want to be on TV? I don’t get it, especially knowing that all those people would watch.”[/color] Iris shook her head not liking the sound of it at all, but then it was different for others they might be more in tune with things like that. [color=f49ac2]“Dating shows? Oh gosh I bet there are some hilariously bad ones of those.”[/color] Grinning as she looked up at Cas considering his next words around how people liked to judge others. There was so much truth in those words, people liked to judge others and their lifestyle. Always having an opinion when it was none of there business, [color=f49ac2]“I guess… I don’t see the attraction, especially if you’re just going to pick out all the fault when they do wrong. Speaking of TV, I did watch a really strange film. A part of me thought I had made it all up! But again, I didn’t have much else to do so I ended up watching a lot of rubbish. It kind of makes me miss going outside.”[/color] Finding her gaze look over at the window looking towards the outside wondering on when she could go out, if she could even go out. The back of her mind still convincing herself that she should just go back to the districts. [color=f49ac2][i]Maybe I could slip out one night without anyone noticing? [/i][/color]