[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200717/d83382206003573dab789b147f83deb6.png[/img][/center] [hr] Fennec placed around the office he had commandeered for the past three days, the rate of his footfalls steadily increasing as his inpatients grew. What had started as a simple supply run to maintain stocks in the Speedway Medican Centre had evolved into a full-blown siege situation, one in which he had been charged with setting up and overseeing the emergency field hospital inside what had once been the cafeteria of the town's hotel. Today all that was left of the old restaurant was the main counter, the chairs and tables had long since decayed or been removed and the seating area was now filled with beds of the wounded that were attended to by Fennec and a few experienced volunteers from the town's populace. He paused for a moment, transitioning from his pacing to gently tapping his right hand with his opposing digits. Sieges made the doctor nervous, as much as anyone likely, but when combined with the lack of rest he had recieved over the past few days it left him scared. Several men were under his care at present and he was scared that in his exhausted state that some grave lack of judgement may be made in their treatment; what a great gesture of appreciation that would be. A delicate rap on the door drew Fennec's attention from the chem organiser he'd set up on the desk, as he turned the door to the office opened and an older gentleman with greying hair walked in. [Colour=darkseagreen]"They've just brought in another one, sir"[/colour] he wheezed, sounding slightly out of breath from rushing to the back to alert the doctor, [colour=darkseagreen]"a young man sir, similar injury to someone else who came in earlier, to the shoulder sir".[/colour] [Colour=4684B2]"Thank you Derick, I'll join him moment"[/colour] he replied politely as the man showed himself out. He drew in a deep breath, and another, he could do this. As he reached out his hand to turn the knob on the door he felt the soft vibrations of his wrist communicator. A deep sigh escaped his lips, the other times he'd been reached on this frequency over the last few days one of the defenders had been taken out of the action through an injury caused by the raiders; Fennec assumed this to be no different as he raised his wrist to his ear to listen.[color=Gray][i]"... Cassidy of the Brotherhood of Steel. We are sending reinforcements to clear hostiles assaulting the town, do not fire. I repeat do not fire on the incoming vehicles they are friendly".[/i][/color] Another sigh left Fennec's mouth and he shook his head dismissively. [Colour=4684B2]"The only thing the Brotherhood are good for is causing conflict, not ending it"[/colour]. The doctor emerged from the room a few minutes later, looking somewhat more relaxed and less twitchy than he had short while earlier. His sleeves rolled up his arms with his cuffs lying just below the elbow as he walked through the makeshift ward. Their newest intake lay in a bed by the door, one of Fennec's assistants was applying pressure to the patient's shoulder, fabric dyed red with the man's blood. [Colour=4684B2]"You can probably lay off some pressure for the moment"[/colour] he promted, the aid stepping back to allow Fennec to perch on the edge of the bed and get a closer look. Unfurling the makeshift bandage that had been applied he was greeted with a bloody wound, right through the top of the man's shoulder just scraping the bone beneath. [Colour=4684B2]"It's not too bad"[/colour] he said reassuringly, [Colour=4684B2]"What's you're name?"[/colour] [Colour=tan]"D-david"[/colour] the man struggled out, face pale with pain. [Colour=4684B2]"Well then David, you got lucky. The bullet managed to miss everything vital. Unsurprisingly you'll be in a bit of pain for a while, that I can help with"[/colour] Fennec added with a kind smile, [Colour=4684B2]"but as long as the wound is kept clean as it heals, you're not losing your arm this time".[/colour] Being careful not to jar David as he stood up from the bed, Fennec made room for one of the volunteers who had returned with a needle filled with painkillers to help the man with the pain. Originally planning to do a walk through of the centre just to check on how everyone was doing today, the doctor was sidetracked by a commotion from the hotel's foyer. A few muffled shouts followed by what sounded like gunshots. A number of people in the clinic visibly flinched in surprise of the sounds, but without missing a beat Fennec's hand went straight to his wrist com, holding down the broadcast button as he spoke. [Colour=4684B2]"If any of my runners can hear this, get word to the Marshal. The hotel is under attack, I repeat, the hotel is under attack"[/colour] he said, each word calm as if he had been having a casual conversation with a patient. Cautious nonetheless however, he retrieved his revolver from his office and holstered it, focusing some of his attention to listening to the noise coming out of the foyer.