Hello. This is my very first interest check thing. (Can you tell?) I'm a pretty active poster. I have a four year old daughter, but I only work one day a week, so as long as my health doesn't nosedive again, I am generally on quite often. We're talking multiple times a day when I'm interested and everyone is available. I am patient. If you get busy and can't entertain me, I will be sad but I am an adult that can keep myself occupied just fine. :] I really, really like just chatting with my partner. I love ranting about characters and about random life shenanigans. I post anywhere from a couple sentences to multiple paragraphs. It really depends on what kind of post I'm getting from my partner, the interest level, what's happening at that time, etc. As far as [i]what[/i] I play, that's complicated. Cishet relationships bore me? I'll do them, but it's got to have a kick ass plot that I adore. I prefer queerness, though I have a hard time keeping interested in lesbian rps. Hoping that has to do with the fact that I always seem to end up tangled up with people that want nothing but the smut and that's also very boring. Trans, nb, m//, polyamorous, it's all good. I'm down to give f// a try at all times. I will fade to black sometimes because it gets boring to write sex constantly. I have a tendency to prefer slice of life type things, but I've also really enjoyed doing other things. For that, it's easier if I say that I'm usually not all that interested in dystopian or apocalyptic type stuff. I don't mind doing historical if you don't mind that I'm not all that interested in history and probably won't do a ton of research on it so it might not be perfect. I'll go so far as to say like chamber pots and no electricity, but I'm not going to know that it was based in 1862 and so the lighter was invented but cans weren't. (This is an exaggeration because I have not done research.) Fantasy settings of all kinds interest me. High fantasy playing an elf, witches exist in San Francisco, etc. I just ask that you're down for a crap ton of world building if you go fantasy route because my brain sticks on it like a fly trap. I like to use faceclaims but this isn't a hard line for me, I can totally do without them if you'd rather. I require romance, but like. If romance is the main point, I want tons of drama. I am so down to do like a fantasy adventure where romance develops. That sounds wonderful. I don't do fandom stuff in that I won't play a canon character. I don't ever feel like I'm doing it justice. So, if you happen to be a part of one of the fandoms I like (seems rare because I'm not into video games or anime) we can talk about ocs in the world? -Mercy Thompson -Valdemar -Tortall -Emelan -Abhorsen -Good Omens -Probably more I can't think of because I swear I like stuff. Good lord, I feel like I've been writing forever and I still don't feel like I've come up with anything to help. So, rapid fire things I like and I hope I name enough to get some interest generated. Fantasy Assholes being assholes Overdramatic bullshit dnd species Single parents Made-up superheroes Immortal beings Mythology Thriving underground culture for nonhumans Bleh. I'm done. Pm me? Or message here. Idc.