[color=00a651][center][b][h2]Hawkpaw: Border Patrol[/h2][/b][/center][/color] [hr] Hawkpaw was to object to Stormheart, saying that she couldn't leave him and Brambletail behind, that is not the warrior way! But then, a fox came leaping from the bushes and try to attack Stormheart! Hawkpaw was so stock that she couldn't move, this fox was big and while she so small! Hawkpaw does move whenever the fox try to attack her and the another warriors but all she can is not move, she is so scare? Hawkpaw snap out and is back to reality when Duskwing and Maplestream appear out of nowhere and try to attack the fox, should she run to camp and call for more help? But before running to camp, the fox escape and leave some blood behind, wait, that it? It ran away? Hawkpaw didn't even fight the thing, instead she was standing in fear while the warriors risk their lifes to save their clanmates, she feel so cowardly, so useless. Hawkpaw snap out of her mind when Stormheart thanks Maplestream [color=00a651]"Yeah, thanks." [/color]Hawkpaw say to Maplestream while hiding the pure disappointment in herself.