Iouldouz raised an eyebrow at the speech of Mackeralini, his expression lagging behind what was said by a few moments as words first had to pass through his interpreter before he knew what was actually being discussed. "My Comrade, I appreciate what you say. Indeed I agree with much of it, but before I continue I would like to simply dismiss your appeal to authority. You fought along side the Emperor but I fought against him, and even now the heads of your former comrades decorate the tents of my warriors when they're not being used as substitutes for balls in games and sports. We are all veterans of wars and battles and I would rather not waste time with us deciding who has more relevant experience. I'd like to get some good sleep before we get to the violence and I think that would be best for you gentlemen as well. No more discussing of credentials, only of the battle." Though this was more said as suggestion than outright statement of fact, he made sure the translator spoke the words to make it clear that if the time wasn't spent productively then the Khan would simply go for an early bedtime. With that out of the way Iouldouz adjusted himself to be more comfortable in his seat to discuss the battle proper now. "Some entrenchment would be useful. A few critical stakes placed here and there to deny attempts of enemy cavalry to flank us would be most excellent, as would a few redoubts to make enemy fire upon our artillery not hit quite hard. However I would not wish to waste too much time and energy upon them." The Khan then stood up, and turned away from the assembled company to light up a pipe stuffed with cloves. "Hmmm. A synthesis perhaps. We can create small defenses as positions we can retreat to as well as using them as anchors to ground ourselves against enemy cavalry. We will meet them head on, and I will send the majority of my cavalry down a flank. The infantry would prepare to fire the enemy to disorient them and charge them with their bayonets. At this point I will turn my light cavalry back, hoping to envelop their first line between my cavalry and your infantry in a quick maneuver that will force at least some reserves forwards; the same trick won't be repeated twice of course, and from that point I will do my best in getting the cavaliers with me to go straight for their artillery heedless of what swarms of bullets will fly towards us." After some heavy puffs of his pipe the Dusmane put out its flame before taking a seat. "Of course, I would also like us to discuss any plans with contingencies in mind. Rarely does a plan last in its entirety for very long, and as such we should consider at least a few possible circumstances of our failures - or simply the enemy's perfections - and how we should react to them."