[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JRwvPL4.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmIzMmYwMC5VMmhwY0hCaGFTQWlRbkp2ZDI0aUlFdGhjM05vYjJ0MS4w/bully.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][b]Location:[/b] [i]Antarctica[/i] [b]Interactions:[/b] Askin [@Oddsbod], Aline & Isko [@FernStone], Jonas [@Savo], Otsana [@redbaron1234], Jaden [@The Ghost Note][hr] [color=A52A2A]"I DID IT!"[/color] Brown shouted as she slid to a stop at the bottom of the slope not far from where the group was, a waist high trench melted clean through the antarctic snow and ice. Steam continued to steadily rise from her flushed pale skin as she threw her arms towards the sky. She let out another victorious cheer up at the frost glazed clouds before turning to confirm that she had beat Askin and Aline by a fairly wide margin through the snow. [color=A52A2A]"I got to the bottom first! I am the winner! All that training to learn this technique was worth it!"[/color] Brown cheered, smiling as she looked to Aline and Askin. It was ridiculous to flaunt a victory in something so spontaneous and childish as racing down a hill And on some level Brown knew that. But any victory, any success was precious to Brown. Her newfound desire to further impress Aline, and the idea of impressing [i]others[/i] pushed her to find victory and boast in the few places she could. Finally with the group Brown quickly waded over to them. As she did however she witnessed Jaden's appearance and heard at least some of what he said. A deep sense of irritation arose within Brown at the rappers smarmy words. His visible sense of self confidence quickly rubbed against Brown's still-bruised ego like sandpaper against the surface of a half-deflated party balloon. Doing her best to avoid looking at Jaden, Brown made it a point to further stop on the broken remains of his CDs before sliding into position besides Jonas. [color=A52A2A]"Don't worry Jonas! If the ninja tries anything I'll just [b][i]kill him[/i][/b]."[/color] Brown announced cheerfuly as she began walking alongside the doctor, leaning into his field of vision to show off that she was in fact fine and had [i]totally[/i] landed without any help from the parachute he insisted she wear. [color=A52A2A]"My mom told me that Ninja were actually pretty trustworthy a long time ago. It was Samurai and Ronin that were the lying backstabbers. However Jaden's an asshole. So I guess he's being [i]honest[/i] in that we shouldn't trust him? I think?"[/color] Brown actually stopped momentarily in her walk, gears turning in her head as she tried to process the strange logic she presented. Quickly abandoning her attempt at rational deduction Brown quickly caught back up with the others, all but throwing herself before the collective group as they walked. She in particular focused on Isko and Jonas as she put her hands on her hips and stood confidently in the freezing snow. [color=A52A2A]"Plan? The plan is this: We find this robot-guy and we kill him! Why bother with that tower? All this is happening because of the Robot-guy, right? And there's only one of him. He might have more robots around but if that's all he has then he's no match for us! Though I know for a fact I'll be the one who will take him down. I developed a new special technique just for killing robots. And I don't even go blind anymore when I do it!"[/color][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ynUAtaz.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmVjNmZkNS5VR0Z5YzI1cGNDQlNZV0ppYVhRLC4wAAAA/dancing-fool.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][b]Location:[/b] [i]Antarctica[/i] [b]Interactions:[/b] Jamie[@redbaron1234], The One [@Savo][hr] [color=FFC0CB][b]"Wah! So BORED!"[/b][/color] A few mere minutes had passed away and already Parsnip could feel the high from killing the MAVERICK agents on the beach begin to fade. She bounded through the snow, hopping across the frozen wasteland before gradually slowing down as her enthusiasm dimmed. Parsnip had hopped to find even [i]more[/i] MAVERICK agents waiting out in the snow or heading towards the tower. Yet she hadn't seen any more since leaving the beach and a growing restlessness and boredom began to well inside her. [color=FFC0CB]"That can't be all there is!"[/color] Parsnip exclaimed to the open air, her tone the same as a child learning there were in fact no more cookies in the cookie jar. [color=FFC0CB]"I can't even make a snow angel because this stupid snow is too stiff. And I can't very well have a snowball fight alone..."[/color] That thought made Parsnip visibly wince and she felt a familiar pull from the back of her mind against. Grasping her face Parsnip breathed heavily, her eyes darting around the desolate landship in a desperate search for something to distract her. Where her eyes failed her however here ears did not. Behind her, towards the beach, Parsnip heard the heated sputtering explosion of what she could only assume was some kind of small machine taking flight. It was difficult to tell the distance, but Parsnip could tell it was fast and moving in the same general direction she was, towards the weird looking tower off in the distance. The noise that came after that however excited her more. [i]Boat engines. The sounds of boots and distant speaking.[/i] Parsnip's maimed and unmaimed bunny ears turned and flicked atop her head like radial antenna as she began to bounce up in down on the spot. [color=FFC0CB]"Yes, yes! There are more! More coming for me perhaps?"[/color] Parsnip stopped at that thought and put a hand to her chin Disappointed she didn't have her play-detective hat with her, the bunny girl thought for a few moments as she mulled over her predicament. [color=FFC0CB][i]"I came all the way here to have fun and make those awful, disgusting MAVERICK agents pay. But after I kill them all its going to be hard to get back and its going to be SUPER boring after I kill all them. At the same time that tower in the distance looks kind of neat and I wonder what that flying thing might be. If only I could kill MAVERICK agents AND go to the cool place, or at least closer to it."[/i][/color] The rabbit girl pondered heavily for a few seconds before a light bulb went off in her brain. A wide grin slashed across her scarred face as she unzipped her backpack and reached inside with wiggling, eager fingers. [color=FFC0CB]"If you want to play somewhere specific, leave a note for your friends~"[/color] Out of her backpack came the freshly severed limb of one of the MAVERICK agents she had killed on the beach. Parsnip hadn't remembered why she had taken it, only that it seemed like a good idea at the time. She had taken the time to put a plastic bag over the severed end of the arm so as not to get the inside of her backpack dirty. Cleaning it was a pain and washing machines were scary, and expensive. Four whole quarters was a lot of money! Yanking the bag off the end of the arm, blood quickly began to drop from the still warm limb. Working quickly Parsnip held the hand of the arm and dragged it through the ice and snow like a disgusting pen. The blood from the arm was her ink and every time it seemed to freeze or dry, she'd simply cut the end off a little to get that much more out of it. In a matter of moments she was done and Parsnip stuck the severed arm upright in the snow in front of her message. [center][b][h2][color=FF0000]COME PLAY WITH ME AT THE TOWER, MAVERICK~ Signed, Parsnip <3[/color][/h2][/b][/center] [color=FFC0CB]"There! There's no way they can miss this."[/color] Parsnip stood in front of the large, scrawling message of blood carved into the antarctic snow and admired it. She felt particularly proud about the crude, but cute looking drawing of (what was supposed to be) herself besides the message. [color=FFC0CB]"Welp, better get hopping! I can't wait for them to catch up with me. Teehee~"[/color] Parsnip once again took off towards the tower, keeping her ears peeled for any other fun or interesting noises...