Well then, great... ... I decided on this a while back, but as of now, I'm resigning from the position as GM for this RP. I've asked that people send me PMs or messages of some kind when their motivation drops or they're not enjoying themselves, so I can try and understand what I'm doing wrong or how I can change things to make the RP more enjoyable. But people don't seem to want to do this, which means I can't improve as a GM and can't fix whatever it is I'm doing wrong. If anyone wants to continue this RP, feel free to let me know, either in this thread or via PM. I'll assign you Co-GM status and all the necessary administrative perks and doodads you'd need to run the RP. Please do so ASAP though, as I'll be removing this thread my subscriptions after the weekend. Not exactly how I wanted my vacation to start off, but hey, I was kind of half-expecting it to turn out this way, given the almost weekly drop-off rate we've been having. Sorry guys and girls. Again, let me know if any of you want to continue the RP and I'll make sure you can. Oh, and of course, thanks for the time and efforrt you all put into this. It was a fun ride, until it wasn't.