[centre][h1][color=8493ca]Anya[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Blade17][@Squirrel98] Anya watched Jack and Hope worriedly, waiting for them to enter the cabin. She knew the pair usually avoided fighting and so she needed to get them away from the action as soon as possible. Motioning at the door, she once again called to the remaining crew members to enter before answering Blake: [color=8493ca]'' Can't come up with anything else for now. If Marcus needs help I can transform back into water, slip underneath the door and sneak up on whoever he's fighting''. [/color] Sure, she would be pretty much sick for the next following week but she was willing to make that sacrifice. Marcus was amongst one of the best fighters on the crew, with only a couple of members being able to beat him so if he wasn't able to fight off the people on land before coming back onto the ship, then he would certainly need assistance. Rarely did they come to an unknown town, but this was the most convenient, so having to fight the authority here filled her with uncertainly. They had no idea what kind of weapons, magic or soldiers the military used here, so any fight was a gamble. She was considering staying on the deck instead, although she shut down that idea quickly, knowing that she wouldn't be able to come with an excuse if a crew member asked. [hr] [centre][h1][color=chocolate]Marcus[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Utrax] Marcus struggled to hold back a chuckle after hearing the alleyway comment. If only the guard knew what happened during the past few hours. Self-consciously, he looked down at the bag holding the stolen goods before looking back at the man. More than happy to ignore the prince (like others seemed to be doing as well), he shook his head and sincerely spoke: [color=chocolate]'' Of course. This night was long and tiring and I'm sure we all would like to get to the bottom of this issue''[/color]. Putting his crossbow back into the sack, he smiled at the guard and carried on:[color=chocolate]'' We will come with you willingly as long as you will allow us to bring our weapons. You see, I and my crew don't know what to expect once we arrive and you out all people must understand how someone in charge must think of the safety of those below him''[/color]. Bowing mockingly when the prince approached, he awaited the royal guard's response with a lukewarm grin. For all, he knew they were apprehending them to execute them. At least if they were permitted to bring weapons, that would suggest that they weren't planning on killing them right away.