Sylvia nodded and answered Shortfang's question regarding the word cheerfully, "Yeah! You've got that right, Shortfang," She listened to Shortfang as he talked about how his time was spent, before and after leaving to be a hero, and before he joined Sylvia's party. She gave a smile when he mentioned he wondered how Shortfang learned how to fight despite being so busy. She guessed that he learned when he was hunting. Her smile somewhat faded when he asked about how the people in her world fight. She gave a chuckle at the mention of the bone clubs, and she commented, "Oh no. The bone clubs are uniquely kobold. There are tonfas back home, but they would be made of wood," She half wondered if tonfas were made of plastic, but she didn't ask out loud. Her smile faded as she thought about how people fought and a look of sadness did cross her face. She answered Shortfang, "There are some people who do take the time and discipline themselves to learn martial arts. Unfortunately, at least in the country I was born in, most people there...prefer weapons that are able to...instantly take a life. Advanced weaponry comes with advanced technology," When he mentioned the Moorbounder and talked about that, her smile came back. She chuckled and answered Shortfang when he finished telling his story, "Oh wow, that's impressive! Your name is certainly well earned. I can understand the sentiment. Kinda like shooting the radiant bolts in battle. It's safer from a distance," When Shortfang and Sylvia finish talking for the night, she would turn in and keep watch in her sleep as usual. If Buddy wanted to strike up conversation, she wouldn't mind doing so.