[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200717/d4b9dbfc599a56718a1e962aa4cf900a.png[/img][/center] [center]Duskwing came to a stop as Spidernose ran up to her, [color=f26522]"Great Starclan! Get him back to camp as quickly as possible, a snake is nothing to trifle with."[/color] She glanced back towards Maplestream and the border patrol quickly before looking back towards Spidernose, [color=f26522]"I sent Moosepaw ahead with the rest of the prey we caught, he twisted his paw while we were catching a rabbit, so that's already been taken care of."[/color] She looked in the direction the other she-cat had indicated both Sunfur and the prey was, [color=f26522]"I'll grab the prey and then meet you back at camp."[/color] She bounded off with Spidernose concern prickling across her pelt, [color=f26522][i]if the snake was venomous Sunfur might not have much time.[/i][/color] She shook her head, quickly banishing those thoughts, and made her way to collect the snake and vole.[/center]