[color=blue]Interacting with Kirsty [@Lugubrious], Liam [@CriticalHit], and Tate [@CondorTalon][/color] [h3][b][color=blue]Alina Sanford[/color][/b][/h3] Studying went decently. Classes were slow, but at least she didn't have to interact with the people next to her for them. Just listen and write down notes, was all. And after that... lunch, more studying- blissfully quiet, thank God- and finally, the day's long-awaited end at 5:30 PM. Just in time to receive some texts from Mary. [i]Hi, Alina! Sorry about the weirdness earlier! That was wild, right? Do you still want to come over?? I really would like to help you with food and study and stuff.[/i] Blugh. She'd been putting it off, but... she needed to address this crush thing, didn't she? That might be important? But, well... maybe she was mistaken earlier? And even if she wasn't, it didn't mean anything as long as Mary didn't act on it. She didn't need to bring it up. There was no point making it awkward. Maybe she'd bring it up on a less cruddy day. She was starting to feel a bit sickly, actually, swimming vision... well, Mary wouldn't mind if she threw up or anything, would she. Especially not if she had an actual crush on her. [i]Sure. I'll meet you at your place.[/i] Shit. Fuck, no, why did she write that. She didn't actually want to go to Mary's house, why would she write that out. Fuck. God damn it, she was a fucking idiot, and she was actually starting to feel ill now. Ugh, fuck it all. Fuck, fine, whatever, she could handle it. [hr] A few minutes later, and she was realising she really couldn't handle it. By now, though, she suspected she was having some sort of stroke or something? The world was starting to look all kinds of hazy and warped, like a fog was building up or something... she felt rather disoriented, lost, like she couldn't properly make her way around the place, and she could swear she hadn't come across another student for at least a couple of minutes. The closer she got to where she knew the front gate was, the more sure she became that there [i]should be[/i] students in the area, especially once she got outside. By now, though... well, there was fog, a real pea-souper at that as her grandad might say, but if it had seeped in from outside, it sure didn't feel like it. But hey, go figure, with how today had already gone. She woke up in a shit mood, her best friend had all but admitted to having a crush on her, so why not get lost and have a stroke too? And what in the hell was that crying outside the front gate? Was that some kind of stroke hallucination? Shit, she had to go investigate it, didn't she? She needed to get out of the school regardless, so why not do the most obvious horror movie cliche ever. ...oh. It was the prettygirl from earlier. The one who'd given Alina her phone number, hadn't she? And, uh, again, she was crying. Well, grand. That was- oh hey, another guy, aaaand he was flat on his face. Out cold, perhaps. 'So this is a shitshow.' Granted, she wasn't an expert on people being smart, buuuuut... honestly, she could use a sit down, too. The world was spinning around her and everything. So she did, next to- fuck, what was her name... she checked the note she'd gotten earlier, but no. Apology and number only. Sure, she guessed she had to sort something out. 'So. It's really foggy, and we're either lost or drugged. Is that why you're crying?' As she asked this, she sort of poked the guy on the ground with her foot, trying to get some sort of response out of him. Hell, if he was out of it too, or worse concussed, or even worse drugged [i]and[/i] concussed, well this was just gonna be a super duper fun time.