[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ERxXJHE.png[/img] [color=888383]Location:[/color]Hotel Valhalla Floor 233 to Elevator to Dining Hall [color=888383]Skills:[/color] Fighting/ Shoving[/center] [hr][hr] Lara looked up as she heard the call to dinner and got up with a groan. So much for getting a shower and changing before dinner. Thankfully, the dead cared less about appearances sometimes. So, she simply untied her hair and let it fall down and then got up and headed out of the hallway and towards the now swarmed elevator. She frowned as she looked at it and let out a sigh. She moved and shoved her way through the throngs of people until she managed to wiggle her way into the tiny box and waited for the big doors to slam shut and take them on their way to the dining hall. Tight spaces were nothing new to Lara. She had gotten use to the elevator quickly in her time in the Hotel, but it also reminded her of a different time. Without thinking her hand wrapped around her necklace and she fidgeted with the little silver star on her necklace. She had planned to convert... She let her mind slip back to the small room, always smelling of books. Levi loved books almost as much as he loved her. He would have loved knowing that the old Nordic Myths were true... Lara mentally slapped herself. Why was she dwelling on this so much today? Was her formerly mortal mind trying to remind her of some important date? She wasn't sure anymore about what was going on. When the elevator dinged for the dining room floor, she shoved her way out and went to go see if she could find either Arnora or Klara. She could use a friend.