Yeah, they wouldn't form as an actual team until later, the idea of having them group up around the interns at the park is very short term, just to establish a connection so that they don't go their separate ways and never speak to each other again. As it stands right now, there is nothing connecting Donny, Owen, Waylon, and Petra to the others any more than the hundred-plus other survivors in the park. I figured the group needed a reason to at least be on speaking terms with each other. They will most likely get separated when everyone is taken to different hospitals and between the FBI and then SHIELD being called in the following day, it would seem increasingly unrealistic that the characters would all gather in one place unless a familiarity with each other was threaded in during the crisis at the park. Though I understand how my post could have come off as confusing, and I'd be willing to rewrite it and point it in a different direction if the four of you would prefer. We're a team, after all. I want us all to be happy :).