Character Sheet [b]Name/Primary Alias[/b]: [b]Metatype[/b]: [b]Archetype[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [b]Gender[/b]: [b]Sexuality[/b]: [b]Ethnicity[/b]: [b]Height[/b]: [b]Weight[/b]: [b]Physical Description[/b]: (please provide a small written description even if supplying an image) [u]Body Augmentations[/u]: (Cyberware, cosmetic changes, etc. May be subject to approval) [list] * * [/list] [u]Weaponry[/u]: (If you'd like to get specific, please [url=]pick from this list[/url]) [list] * * [/list] [u]Gear[/u]: (Equipment, armor, so forth) [list] * * [/list] [u]Personal Belongings[/u]: (Anything important to your character, that they keep close) [list] * * [/list] [u]Known Spells[/u]: ([url=]Pick 3 spells that your character knows[/url]. Remove this section if not Shaman or Mage) [list] * * * [/list] [b]Psyche Eval[/b]: (Personality traits, mannerisms) [b]History[/b]: (Keep under 4 paragraphs, please. Focus mainly on their Shadowrunning career, and what led up to it)