After the great blast of fire scorched the field, Hoseki jumped backwards, almost right over Mizo’s trap. He remembered that spot, knowing full well that she was trying to get Kimiko to walk right over it, so he didn’t step on it. Instead he positioned himself behind it so if Kimiko charged him, she’s run into it. Hoseki watched as Kana readied an attack nearby, while that one guy - what was his name? - stormed off. Not like he’s find Kana’s flag like that or anything. [color=Red]”Hey, Samurai Bitch! You want the flag? Come get it!”[/color] He deliberately tried to distract Kimiko, taunting her with name calling, that was the one thing he knew about Kimiko, she didn’t like name calling. Hoeski’s fists picked up flames from thin air, like he was ready to punch her lights out. [color=red]”What? Scared?”[/color] What he didn’t realize was that Kimiko’s wind style would make short work of his fire style, possibly blowing it back in his face. [hr] Meanwhile, Mizo’s trap was ready. The small hole was big enough for two people, and wires were suspended from the walls to tangle someone who fell in. Smoke bombs with carefully placed at Mizo’s feet, 4 of them to be exact. One was enough to really mess someone up, but knowing Kimiko, she’d cause a scene and blow a single one away, so 4 would work. She could feel Hoseki’s chakra burn the air, Mizo knew he was trying to lead her directly into the trap. That’s team 9 for you....The plan was to spring up from the hole as fast as possible, grab hold of Kimiko long enough to to take the flag, and slam her into the hole as fast as possible, lighting the smoke bombs and tangling the wire around her. [color=gold][sub]”Yeah...that’s right...gimme that flag, Kimiko...[/sub][/color]